Friday, November 21, 2014

Who We Are

sharpshooter zeroed in on regime jack-booted thugs earlier this year at Bundy Ranch
From 'eatgrueldog': "I was watching Glenn Beck last night and he had the above picture up on the screen. He asked the question “Is this who we are?” Of course his answer was no, as he is trying to keep as much distance between himself and potential violence as possible.
My answer was an immediate “You’re damned right that’s who we are.” more
Karl Theodore, Prince-Elector, Count Palatine and Duke of Bavaria (1724-1799)
My people got tired of living under the despotic rule of petty dukes, princes and kings in Europe. They came to America to get away from tyrants--tyrants who taxed them heavily for their labors, forced them to serve in their armies, and forced them to literally 'bow and scrape' whenever the duke's carriage passed.
Now, in the 21st century, we have a 'home-grown' tyrant. Some would say that he is actually from Kenya and a secret muslim. I don't know where he is from and really could care less whether he is a secret muslim or a secret twinkie eater.  The color of his skin doesn't matter. Tyrants throughout the ages have come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. What matters to me is obama's behavior.
And over the last six years his behavior has become more and more unconstitutional, more and more despotic.
Last night's (Thursday November 20, 2014) speech announcing the particulars of his soon-to-be-signed executive order concerning immigration (look for the photo op on Friday at a Latino school in Harry Reid's personal fiefdom Nevada) can only push an already sharply divided country a little further down the road to what is seeming more and more an inevitable conflict of arms. Barry Sotero (obama's actual name), despite being a 'professor' of American constitutional law seems to not want to abide by it. If he survives the coming revolution and doesn't escape by warship--'fleeing to the waters' (something British royal governors did at the start of the First American Revolution) or by air then eventually he will be brought before the bar of justice to answer for his crimes.
When that day comes may God have mercy upon his soul.
Got beans, bandages, and bullets?
Tempus fugit
Patriots; Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises coming soon complete with plague, pestilence, race riots and ISIL terrorist attacks and eventual Chinese invasion!)

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