Monday, January 14, 2013

Safety, Security are delusion

To the chief executive of the United States, members of congress, justices of the supreme court: Despite the demagoguery recently espoused in reaction to the sad events in Connecticut, another demagogue, some say the "chief demagogue," addressed the grieving parents and took advantage of these events for personal gain; we, the Citizens of these United States remind you that you do not have the authority to alter, infringe, or abridge, the natural rights given to us by the Creator and codified in the Bill of Rights. The solution to these horrific events are not contained in 'assault rifle' (no assault rifles have ever been used in any heinous shootings/crimes by mentally ill individuals) bans, patriot acts, or secret courts. The solution is a re-instilling of the spiritual principles/belief in a Higher Power in the various elements of our society where this training and discipline has long been neglected and re-instilling the constitutional rule of law in our country. To you who unthinkingly support, in the futile hope and delusion of 'safety'/'security,' certain elitist individual's efforts to deny our liberties, you have a choice: continue to act as useful idiots for tyrants—those who will continue to lead you down the road to slavery, or join the camp of Freedom and Liberty and take responsibility for your actions and your communities. Choose wisely.