Saturday, February 28, 2015

What you’ll see in the rebellion

New Orleans cops confiscating law-abiding citizens' guns after Huricane Katrina
A provocative thought piece from Bob Owens:
"Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.
Perhaps 50-100 million firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens will become contraband with the stroke of a pen. Citizens will either register their firearms, or turn them in to agents of the federal government, or risk becoming criminals themselves. Faced with this choice, millions will indeed register their arms. Perhaps as many will claim they’ve sold their arms, or had them stolen. Suppose that as many as 200-250 million weapons of other types will go unregistered.
Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicemen, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders. Perhaps 40-50 million citizens will view such a law as treason. Perhaps ten percent of those, 4-5 million, would support a rebellion in some way, and maybe 40,000-100,000 Americans will form small independently-functioning active resistance cells, or become lone-wolves." more
This is only one possible scenario. I believe the occasion triggering event will be something such as a huge natural (or man-made) disaster occurring; martial law is then declared; food riots and civil unrest begin; trigger-happy troops massacre unarmed men, women and children in several major metropolitan areas; Patriot sharpshooters begin terminating lower and mid-level regime office holders; regime buildings and other facilities are destroyed with huge losses of life and the regime retaliates by executing civilians who have been re-located to FEMA facilities. One (or more) foreign powers will invade (at the invitation of the regime) and begin attempting to pacify certain areas of the continent. I think that you can see how this scenario plays itself out--starvation, disease, mass death. The bottom line is, have you given serious thought on how you and your loved ones can escape these negative outcomes and instead survive and re-establish a freedom-centered constitutional government after the tyrants who unleashed this hell have either "fled to the waters" or been captured, tried, sentenced, and hanged for their treason?

regime tanks assault Branch Davidians and murder them by fire-Waco TX 1993
No more Wacos!

regime thugs illegally confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens in New Orleans after Katrina Sept. 2005
No more Katrinas!

Boston regime thugs illegally sweep search neighborhoods and break into homes after 2013 marathon bombing
No more Bostons!
Freedom or slavery? It's your choice.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Secrecy around police surveillance equipment proves a case’s undoing

a diagram of how the regime's evil stingray works
Stingray is back in the news. When are honest, law-abiding citizens going to get mad and personally destroy this unconstitutional technology used by criminal police departments?
From the washington post:
" The case against Tadrae McKenzie looked like an easy win for prosecutors. He and two buddies robbed a small-time pot dealer of $130 worth of weed using BB guns. Under Florida law, that was robbery with a deadly weapon, with a sentence of at least four years in prison.
But before trial, his defense team detected investigators’ use of a secret surveillance tool, one that raises significant privacy concerns. In an unprecedented move, a state judge ordered the police to show the device — a cell-tower simulator sometimes called a StingRay — to the attorneys." more
I've done at least one story on this tyrannical crap before (here) and how out-of-control cops are using this 1984ish technology right here in North Carolina.
My suggestion. Get creative. Do some research on the Internet. Find out which PDs and their chiefs in NC use these things. Get a one-time use email account for each PD and tell each head of the offending cop shops to "cease and desist now" or suffer the consequences. Edward Abbey was right about one thing. 'Guvmint' hates (but is powerless against) monkey wrenchers.
If you don't stand up for your Freedom how can you not expect it to be stolen from you?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Something Old, Something New: A Lecture topic for Professors of European History

From E pluribus UNO:
"Before a long and bloody civil war breaks out, it is time to consider introducing the outlines of a real solution to the Ukrainian issue, rather than continuing to impose more big-power self-serving agendas, which has been Ukraine’s legacy for a century. The vital and relevant background of the divergent political and cultural realities which have ALWAYS existed in the territory known as Ukraine, must be satisfied for all such parties – Galicians, Ukrainians and Novorossiyans. Because there are THREE Ukraines, which have never been, nor ever will be, “united”." more
Even if Putin and Kiev agreed to allow this to happen it's a safe bet that the bumbler-in-chief would still only make the situation worse.
What are you doing now to make you, your family's, and your communities'  TEOTWAWKI readiness better?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Had Enough?

Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Monday, February 16, 2015

As Rome Burns, Your pResident Plays with His Selfie Stick!

Rome burns while the pResident plays with his selfie stick
You know that the Islamists are laughing at the apostate at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Drunken government employees fly plastic drones over the White House grounds--his praetorian guard is a joke.
 Ordinary citizens regularly jog on the white house lawn.
I give even money that the Islamists will capture and behead him.

I wonder how many 'hits' his orange jump suit YouTube video will get?
Another strong indication that we are in the Interregnum.
Tick tock.
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Kids these days!

From Kenny:
                                                     The big question is did he win or lose?

Life in the Breakdown Lane

From kunstler:
"We succeeded in turning a marginally-bankrupt, marginally-independent nation into a complete basketcase that is going Dark Age as I write — no money, no work, no fuel, no heat, no food, no prospects. Having completely botched the operation, and misplayed the game against Russia’s Putin — and Russia’s legitimate interest in a stable next-door neighbor — the US will now abandon Ukraine. It will be forgotten as surely as the US-sponsored Ukrainian air force’s role in the crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 — the incriminating details of which were buried by the Dutch investigating officials. Eventually, the Russians will have to care for the dying Ukraine. They will not be enthusiastic about it. They will do little and do it slowly."here

and cluborlov's take on the world pseudo-financials and U.S. instigation of the Ukrainian 'coup' (and lots more!). "The Imperial Collapse Playbook" here
Instead of leaving Putin alone in his sphere of influence all we've done is to 'bait the bear.' This has already driven Putin and his gang (every country has a gang of oligarchs doesn't it?) into the camp of the Chinese and their gang. Guess which country has the largest (increasing as we speak) reserve of gold bullion in the world? Guess which country just might force a change in the world's reserve currency system very soon?
Class, can you say "Blowback?"
What's your plan for suviving this both economically and physically? You do have one don't you?
Tempus fugit

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

They Will Come

Islamist vowing to come and murder you and your family in America
They will come here and rape your wives and daughters, then behead you.
Are you okay with that?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Kayla Mueller: Dead ISIS Hostage Was Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel B***h

Kayla Mueller at ISM Palestinian Terrorist Headquarters-notice the poster above her left shoulder
Do you believe that Kayla Mueller was an innocent victim of Jordanian airstrikes or that she was 'kidnapped by Islamo-fascists? You may want to re-think that agit-prop that you've been fed.
"A look at the writings of the ISIS victim shows her support and aid to Palestinian Arab terror groups, her acting as a human shield for them, and her active participation in anti-Israel protests. Rachel Corrie did the same." more here and here.
If you are a Jew, Kayla wanted you dead. If you have a friend who is a Jew she wanted you dead also.
We know who the enemy is. Do you know who your 'friends' are?
Tempus fugit.
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Ukrainian Civil War May Have Gotten a Lot Hotter

An image from a NATO satellite revealed a mushroom cloud linked to the explosion, according to Zero Hedge.
From zerohedge:
"As leaders from France, Cyprus, Germany, US, Russia, and Ukraine drop tape-bombs of turmoil at one another, the following somewhat stunning clip suggests on the ground in Eastern Europe, other - far bigger - bombs are being lobbed..."
The video, which was shot on a cell phone, shows a mushroom cloud emerging from the explosion and the resulting shockwave.
The footage is seemingly consistent with a smaller tactical nuke designed for use on a battlefield in a military situation, as opposed to much larger strategic nukes used to level cities.
The video was filmed by a man inside his house, and the shockwave from the blast broke the window he was filming out of.
Russian media reports the epicenter of the explosion was in the Kuibyshev district of Donetsk, Ukraine, the site of the most intense fighting between rebels who want Eastern Ukraine to join Russia and the Western-backed Ukrainian government.
The media also said the explosion could be seen and felt for “tens of kilometers.”
If this is a hoax then it's a damn good one.
Have you thought about what you would do if something such as this ignites WWIII?
Is it too late? I don't know. God bless all of you.
Tempus fugit.

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

To the Governor of Washington: A List of Grievances by We the People

Washington state "We Will Not Comply" on the steps of capitol in Olympia in January 2015
Support these people. The fascist billionaire Bloomberg and his useful idiots will target you next.

From patrickhenrysociety:
by Kit Lange | Feb 6, 2015 | Editorials, The Battle for Washington State | 0 comments
One of the most important rights as citizens in a Constitutional Republic is the right to call upon the government for redress of grievances. Unfortunately, We the People are all too familiar with so-called lawmakers who not only ignore the will of the people, but actively work against it. We see this in Washington State as well as other states throughout the country, as legislators continuously pass law after law that directly infringes upon those rights that are outlined as being off-limits to government control.
Regardless of whether our elected officials wish to acknowledge it or not, We the People retain this right to redress, and we present this list of grievances to the Governor of the State of Washington, and demand that they be rectified. As the Washington State Constitution makes clear, all political power resides with the people. As such, We the People demand that our rights be secured and maintained, as the Constitution calls for—not infringed upon and denied.
While these grievances are not solely done at the state level, if the state allows the infringement of rights by the federal government, then the state is also guilty of the same violation.
At the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the founders outlined a list of grievances against King George III. They, too, demanded redress, and were met with the same contempt that many legislators show the people today. We the People, as the holders of political power in the State of Washington and the United States of America, demand that we be heard, and that the following infringements cease immediately:
1. Militarizing police and SWAT Teams
2. Stockpiling of Ammunition while Limiting the Rights of Citizens to Purchase Ammunition
3. Distributing License Plate Readers meant to track the movement of law-abiding citizens.
4. Tracking Cell-Phones with Stingray Devices
5. Turning Cell-Phones into Roving Listening Devices
6. Creating Longitudinal Databases to Track Citizens from Birth to Death
8. Carrying Out Military Drills and Lockdowns in American Cities
9. Tracking People via Facial Recognition
10. Using the TSA to Create Databases of “Suspect Citizens”
11. Carrying out Soft Target Checkpoints
12. Directing Government Workers to Spy on Americans
13. Suspending Habeas Corpus in a Time of Peace with NDAA
14. Using Drones to Spy on Citizens and Map Their Property
15. Directing Government Workers to Spy on Americans and Create Linkage Charts of Patriotic Americans
16. Conducting Widespread Spying Networks Using Fusion Centers and Listing Americans as “Terrorists” Without Trial
17. Carrying Out Constitution-Free Border Control Searches
18. Funding City-Wide Surveillance Cameras
19. The State governor demanding that the Washington State Patrol violate their own oath to the Constitution by authorizing them to suppress the people’s right to the First and Second Amendments through threats of arrest and force.
20. The State Legislature unlawfully and deceitfully reclassifying firearms as “props”.
21. The state legislature arbitrarily denying the right of a group of adults, based on their age, from viewing their government proceedings if they choose to exercise their Second Amendment right.
22. The state legislature continuing to allow the federal government to illegally lay claim to and hold lands belonging to the people of the state of Washington.
23. Infringement upon the unalienable basic right to self-defense of the people through unjust laws that violate not only the federal and state Constitution but natural law.
24. Taxation without representation, through unlawful and unnecessary taxes and fees charged for the exercise of rights, and the repeated refusal of the state legislature to hear and act in accordance with the will of the people and the Constitution that binds their power.
25. The passing of rules in secret by the State House, State Senate, Speaker pro tempore, and the Lieutenant Governor, that directly violate the rules of the people.
26. The abuse of power by elected officials such as (but not limited to) Rep. Laurie Jinkins and Rep. Jim Moeller, who have used their positions to exert control over the people and deny them their rights.
27. The allowance of judges to legislate from the bench that a police officer’s ignorance of the law is grounds for the violation of the People’s rights.
Regardless of inconvenience, the legislature and the Governor cannot violate the rights of the People, and must adhere to their oath. It is imperative that the state government understand that it must operate within the limits of the state and the federal Constitution, and as such, must secure and maintain the rights of the people without question and without infringement. Instead, the legislature has made its own rules and used the force of the state to enforce those rules, which is in and of itself a threat of violence against the People. This is unacceptable.
We seek no violence and do not condone the use of force outside of the blueprint outlined by the Founders. We do, however, seek redress and remind the Governor of his own oath, found in RCW 43.01.020:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Governor to the best of my ability.”
These continued infringements and assaults upon the rights of the people—or the refusal to stop those abuses by legislators and government officials—constitute a blatant and gross violation of that oath.  We call upon the Governor of the State of Washington to cease infringement upon the People’s rights and uphold his solemn promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States and that of our state.
We will not comply.  We stand.
Captain John Parker and the Lexington militia on Lexington village green 19 April 1775-240 years ago
Once freedom of speech is gone you are a slave.
What is so called 'politically correctness' but an abridgement of speech?

Once free elections are gone you are a slave.
In February of 1801 Thomas McKean, Governor of Pennsylvania, James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, and Thomas Jefferson, President elect of these United States were ready to go to war because the House of Representatives, which had a majority of Federalists, could have suspended the constitutional government by invoking a 1792 statute to swear the president pro tempore of the Senate until John Adams left office in March. To do so would have abridged the freedom of the elections of 1800.

Once freedom of arms is gone you are a slave.
The victims of Mao Tse-tung, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot weren't able to resist the tyrants who had placed themselves over the populace because all firearms were registered and then confiscated. Those peoples' 'legal' government murdered them. That is called democide.

The good people of Washington state have a choice--submit to the tyrant and become a slave or resist.
Soon you will also have a choice.
Tempus fugit

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Simple Way to End the Madness

U.S. ship launches cruise missile
A simple way to end the madness of the last 1400 years.
From Matthew Bracken:
"In ancient Islamic history, the black moon rock was once stolen by a competing tribe, but after a brief time it was “found.” Islam carried on because nobody outside of a very small circle of imams even knew the rock was missing before it was replaced. But if Mecca was suddenly turned into a giant crater, there would be no way to conceal the fact from the world at large, including every Muslim. Today, observant Muslims believe that if every infidel nation fired every rocket and bomb at Mecca, Allah would turn them back or stop them in mid-flight. It is impossible for observant Muslims to believe that the Infidels could destroy the Kaaba, which is literally the physical manifestation on earth of their “greatest God.”more
I suggested a similar scenario on a chat forum back in 2004. The Americans that I thought that I was chatting with on the Internet went nuts, calling for grave bodily harm to come to me instantly. They were fools then and still are. Especially since some muslim women have called for Khazouk, which is impaling, on coalition 'crusaders.'
Here is a clip from an Arabic film showing the Ottoman Turks performing this torture on an apostate. Don't worry, the clip is PG, but it's still graphic. Don't watch it at work or let a young child watch.
We could have ended this insanity long ago--for the children.
One sub launched ballistic missile and it would be over in ten minutes.
Remember the Jordanian pilot--the one that the Islamists immolated?. They want to make that happen to you,  your wife, and your children.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Tomas the Train FEMA Relocation Set

Fun for young and old as you're hauled in cattle cars to your relocation vacation!
Get yours now. Next year it may be a reality!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Situational Awareness

photo-safari tourist being sized up for supper
Do you think that she knows that she is being stalked? I doubt it.
From Sierra 12 Defensive Studies Group:
"Situational awareness is the process of being observant to our surroundings.  This isn't just what you can see, it is also what you can hear and smell.  Situational awareness includes the understanding of intangible ideas, experiences, knowledge and intuition.  Situational awareness is something we live and breath, it isn't just when we are “going out-on-the-town that we turn on and become situationally aware.  Situational awareness is a lifestyle, we live it every day, all the time.  We are observant of the news and current affairs at the local-regional-world level, we take into account events, meaningful dates or anniversaries, we look at all the influences in our surroundings and attempt to synthesize an initial risk assessment." more
My Drill Sergeant taught me to "pay attention to detail." Later on I learned when patrolling to look up into the trees. I'm grateful that the lesson didn't cost me my life. Be aware of your surroundings.
If you want to live.

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

While ISIS Melts the Map, the Pentagon Fiddles

Possible ISIS map of conquered territories in 2025 AD
John Robb of Global Guerrillas has an excellent article about the "inevitable collison between ISIS and Saudia Arabia." Read it all and the links also then ask yourself "what could this mean not only for the price of a barrel of crude oil but the survival of the western liberal democracies?"
More importantly what could this mean for the survival of you and your family?
Another set of  'counter-crusades' are needed very soon.
Too bad we don't have a functioning Holy Roman Empire and Holy League or a Charles Martel.  Maybe we'll get lucky and Jan Sobieski and the Poles will save Europe once again.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!