Sunday, August 30, 2015

"The optimists study English, the pessimists study Chinese, and the realists study the Kalashnikov rifle."

"TV series about Russian occupation of Norway sparks furor."
From Mike:
"A new TV series in which Russia occupies Norway and seizes its oil fields has been criticized by the Russian Foreign Ministry, with the Russian embassy in Oslo labeling it as reminiscent of the "worst traditions of the Cold War."
This story is interesting, but my favorite takeaway is from a comment by one "Moefo Schmoe" of the "Hard Knocks University":
"The optimists study English, the pessimists study Chinese, and the realists study the Kalashnikov rifle."
The fools that make up the American 'occupy' movement have no clue about what a real occupation is all about. They need to ask the few French who are still alive that lived through the Nazis occupation of France just what it was really like living in constant fear of being rounded up, tortured, and shot.
The closer that we come to the North American live-fire exercises and the regime calling in outside help because of battle field failures against the III percenter guerrillas, that's when the '99%' (the one's who survive the 'great die-off') in certain parts of North America will find out just how brutal real occupiers can actually be.
But then Patriots already know. That's why we're getting ready.
Tempus fugit
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ah, the 4GW possibilities. Tyrants watch out your time is coming!

Sic semper tyrannis. Samy Kamkar's "RollJam" device. (Sammy Kamkar)
From wired magazine: "The next time you press your wireless key fob to unlock your car, if you find that it doesn’t beep until the second try, the issue may not be a technical glitch. Instead, a hacker like Samy Kamkar may be using a clever radio hack to intercept and record your wireless key’s command. And when that hacker walks up to your vehicle a few minutes, hours, or days later, it won’t even take those two button presses to get inside." more
Folks, this little electronic 'honey' is a game changer. This technology allows a Patriot agent (s) to more effectively neutralize tyrants small and large. How long do you figure before plans for this go open source? Coming soon to a tyrant town near you.
P.S. This RollJam device ranks up there with the Defense Distributed Liberator plastic pistol!

Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Gun Rights Advocates Have A Devastating New Argument Against Gun Control.

From IJReview:
"American gun owners are beginning to respond with a fresh, powerful argument when facing anti-gun liberals. Here it is, in its entirety. Ready?
“Screw you.” That’s it. Except the first word isn’t “Screw.”" more
Sooner, rather than later you are going to have to come face-to-face with the fact the prozis are lying.
The 'gun control' argument has never been about guns.
Its about control....of you.
And they're willing to do to you what FDR did to American citizens of Japanese descent during WWII.
The Japanese then and now are a very polite people.
Will you be as polite and willing to go to the camps as they were?
What are you going to do about
Tempus fugit
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

The many uses of the AK magazine

I love AKs. Don't you?
Betcha she likes it don't ya think?

Get some now.
Tempus fugit.

Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine