Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Cavalry Is NOT Coming!

In the movies, it used to be that when the hero and the heroine were in big trouble and just about to die, the cavalry would ride into the rescue and cut the bad guys to pieces. Well folks that's just a myth 'cause it has almost never happened in real life. The moral of the story is that if you, the American people, are expecting somebody to come and save you from your government it ain't gonna happen.
No outside power is going to ride in and save you from the tyranny that is coming (if we do nothing).

In fact, Outside powers, led by the primary U.S. debt-holders China, Japan, and Germany, will come in response to desperate calls by the regime, to help them 'put down' the 'insurgency' (that's you dear patriot).
Patriotic American insurgent
If you want Freedom--the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to be restored you are going to have to do the work to make it happen.
Maqui training against the Nazis
Most of us won't be living out in the boonies, carrying the ARs and the AKs, cold, wet, and tired--taking out the government targets. Most of us will be the auxiliary--supporting the active fighters with logistics and intelligence. But don't think that you'll get off that easy.

There may come a day when you are required by the Insurgency Command to have a break down at a certain intersection on a certain day and time--time enough to delay a government traitor on the way to work or a meeting and see them terminated before your eyes. The political decision makers are already targeting you and yours. In 4GW warfare the insurgents target the political decision makers which, when they (the decision makers) finally have enough (if there's any left) they surrender to Freedom.
George Washington praying at Valley Forge
Can you do this now or will it take seeing your wife raped, your kids murdered before you can man-up and fight back against the the regime?

Either way, you are going to have to stand up and expose yourself to fire. The bottom line is that if you want Freedom for you, your children, and your grandchildren this will require risk and pain. Nobody else is going to do it for you.
Organize, Prepare, Train!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Exigent Circumstances

Betcha if enough of us did this in a concerted manner that the Constitution would be restored forthwith!
Come and Take It!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Founders despised Neo-Com values

"The Utopian schemes of levelling [wealth redistribution], and a community of goods, are as visionary and impracticable, as those which vest all property in the Crown, are arbitrary, despotic, and in our government, unconstitutional. Now, what property can the colonists be conceived to have, if their money may be granted away by others, without their consent?" 
Samuel Adams, in a letter to fellow founder Dennys De Berdt, January 12, 1768.

Our Founders despised socialists. 

Organize, Prepare, Train!

The Third Jihad - Radical Islam's Vision for America

radical Islamist

Radical Muslims, like 'Doogie the terrorist' have plans for you.
Muslim desert crusaders
 Its called "The Third Jihad."

Once defeated your only choice will be to convert

Muslims praying to Mecca
execution in Saudi Arabia for religious crimes
 or die.
Will you fight for freedom or become a slave?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 19 Defiled! What will you do?

Boston JBTs illegally storm apartment
Watching the YouTube videos (since removed) of the 'jack booted thugs' trampling on our Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendment Natural Rights recently in the greater Boston area I experienced a great sadness; sadness because peace officers, who took an oath to support and defend the Constitution believed that they could commit these un-constitutional crimes; sadness that there has been no great public outcry against these atrocities; sadness that media commentators haven't spoken out vociferously against these fascist terror tactics against the American people; sadness mostly because despite the facade of liberty we still enjoy all of these acts and attitudes mean that we have lost the Republic.

Boston JBTs illegally detain house residents
What comes next won't be pleasant.
Boston family terrorized by JBTs

I know that I will continue to work to restore the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights that the founders handed down to us. What will you do? Choose wisely.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”-- Benjamin Franklin.
Defy, Resist, Evade, Smuggle!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lying through their teeth

Jim Kessler-documented liar
Folks, this man is a documented liar. He claims that freedom-loving Americans have nothing to fear from "universal" background checks because "the background check system intentionally makes it impossible for the federal government to use records to create a registry of gun owners or the guns they purchase," the system "destroys all records of running the check withing 24 hours," and federal law prohibits "any system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transaction or disposition." Kessler is a liar, plain and simple. Don't believe me? The federal 'justice' department reported in a January 4, 2013 gun policy memo that the effectiveness of "universal" checks "depends on ... requiring gun registration." (pg.5). Read the full memo here.
Want more?
Neo-Com Barbara Lee of Oakland CA

Neo-coms Barbara Lee (Oakland, CA)
Neo-Com Jim Moran of Alexandria, VA)

and Jim Moran (Alexandria, VA)
have introduced H.R.661 (which among other attacks on legal protection for gun owners) would repeal the requirement that NICS records be destroyed within 24 hours
Some people that I know would become so enraged by this lying behavior that they would call these people and ask them why they have become traitors to the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Some people might do more then just call. Everything's on the Internet. You can find addresses, phone numbers, Google Earth shots of houses--everything.

None of these tyrants (and others not mentioned) will ever stop until you and yours are in 'protective' custody in koncentrationslagers (KZs) and being worked to death on 900 calories a day

OR they have ceased to exist.
Right now, for a short time still, you have the power to choose which way America will go--tyranny or freedom. For your children and grandchildren--Choose wisely...
Come and Take it!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome to the Neo-Com police state

Forget search warrants there's public safety involved!
"...imagine a boot stamping on a human faceforever."

Come and Take It!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Evil Hunchback Bloomberg's Minions Introduce Anti-2nd Amendment Bill in NC

facist New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Folks, we knew it was coming and here it is:

Bill Name: Gun Safety Act (H976)

Primary Sponsors: Luebke, Harrison, Insko, Adams
Text of Bill here.
Start calling your representative Now to make sure it doesn't come up for a vote.
Come and take it asshole!

You Should NOT Do This!

From Wyo Threeper, here.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Seattle under Federal control

DHS JBTs occupy Seattle

For unknown reasons the DHS seems to have taken control of Seattle's streets. Here.
Patriots, got preps yet? Organized? Drilling?

American Mengele

Serial killer.
Forget killing children in utero. This guy does it after the babies are born--by severing their heads from their bodies. Here. This is comparable with the experiments that Joseph Mengele did on Jews and other "undesirables" at the Koncentrationslager (KZ) Auschwitz. What if it was your grandchild that he did this to?
Is it 1935 or 1775?

New Jersey Judge Rules Bloggers Are Journalists

A New Jersey Superior Court judge rules bloggers are journalists. Here.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Warning to all gun owners-Reid's S.649 moves closer to vote

Harry Reid leads the charge for registration and confiscation.
Harry Reid moves S.649 closer to senate vote—“Let's move forward comrades!”

Test of bill here: http://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/senate-bill/649/text

S.649 - Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 201

Sponsoring senator-Harry Reid (D) Nevada
Currently there are no co-sponsors
Harry Reid may have temporarily set aside Senator Diane Feinstein's "assault weapons" bill, yet what he is doing with S.649 is no less an attempt to register every firearms sale in the United States with the federal government. Historically registering firearms sales has always led to firearm registration, which leads to confiscation, which leads to democide (a government murdering it's own citizens).
"The purpose of this subtitle is to extend the Brady Law background check procedures to all sales and transfers of firearms."
According to S.649 all firearms sales will be registered with the federal government. That means pistols, shotguns, and rifles--of all types--single shot, pump, lever-action, semiautomatic--it doesn't matter.
Call NCs senator: Richard Burr (202.224.3154), Kay Hagan (202.224.6342) and tell them what you think of universal background checks. Tell them to vote 'No' to S.649 or any other bill that provides for universal background checks.
It has been reported that Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky is planning a filibuster of this bill. Call to support him in this effort: 202.224.4343

Meanwhile, out in Colorado, due to the recent gun control bill signed into law by their governor, 'Blowback' accelerates
M-60 Machinegun with 'bells & whistles'
Come and Take It!