Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Reset Button--They Lose it ALL!

Justice Antonin Scalia
Antonin Scalia wrote his dissent “to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.”
“Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a
majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court. The opinion in these cases is the furthest extension in fact—and the furthest extension one can even imagine—of the Court’s claimed power to create “liberties” that the Constitution and its Amendments neglect to mention. This practice of constitutional revision by an unelected committee of nine, always accompanied (as it is today) by extravagant praise of liberty, robs the People of the most important liberty they asserted in the Declaration of Independence and won in the Revolution of 1776: the freedom to govern themselves,” Scalia wrote. more
Thomas Paine
Perhaps it’s time to recall the words of Thomas Paine in his essay “The Crisis,” published December 23, 1776 following a series of unmitigated disasters that befell the Continental Army.
"THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."
Mike Vanderboegh
Mike Vanderboegh wrote Saturday June 28: “I was having this conversation with a reader the other day in reference to the firearm laws we are breaking in the various states and he asked me what we were going to do about previous infringements, going back to GCA 68 and the NFA of 1934. I told him, when they start the shooting we don't quit until we have pushed the reset button on the last 100 plus years of infringements. They lose it all -- the Federal Reserve, fiat currency, the income tax, all the gun laws, all the nanny state fascism, the murder of innocents on demand, the tortured rendering of the Interstate Commerce clause, the bloated federal bureaucracy, everything. EVERYTHING.” more

Just because evil seems to be winning doesn't mean that it is. Appearances are often deceiving. What matters, Patriots, is that you, each and everyone of you, continue to believe in the Constitution and the God of your understanding. Knowing that the former is good but certainly not perfect and that the latter is perfect and perfectly good.
Now is the time to re-double your efforts against tyranny and evil.
Focus on preparing for what we know is to come.
We win!
Until the final victory sharpen your hatchets, organize, prepare, train, and keep your powder dry.
Tempus fugit

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Monday, June 22, 2015

You’re a Criminal in a Mass Surveillance World – How to Not Get Caught

David Montgomery nails it: "Anne Frank was, in fact, a criminal. She was a fugitive of the law." more
What the regime doesn't realize is that it's the criminal. We the People just haven't broke out the rope...yet.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Good advice

from defensivetraininggroup: "Don’t fall prey to the desire to worry yourself into anemia (to quote Auntie Em from, ‘The Wizard of Oz”).  Watch what is happening; don’t listen to what is being said, and take appropriate action.  Get done what you can while you can with what you have." more
You have been informed.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Transracial Rachel Dolezal, Transsexual Caitlyn Jenner, and the Denial of Objective Reality

If you can't choose your race, you can't choose your gender either.
From pjmedia:
"We new media professionals surf a choppy sea of social whim. Whatever people talk about, we write about. It’s supply and demand. That said, there are certain stories which I resist chiming in on no matter how big they get, stories which I find either distasteful or ludicrous.
The story of Rachel Dolezal stands as an example. The drama surrounding her masquerade as a black woman strikes me as tabloid garbage, warranting a sidebar mention at best, and then only for laughs.
Unfortunately, my attempt to avoid the story has run up against this piece at Reason, in which editor-in-chief Nick Gillespie attempts to draw a distinction between Dolezal’s transracialism (yes, spell check, that’s a word now) and Caitlyn Jenner’s transsexualism. He writes:
To say that Jenner’s very public coming out disturbed social conservatives is an understatement. Between the ritual unwillingness to use female pronouns in relation to Jenner to exhortations that she is clearly deranged, it’s fairer to say that cons lost their shit. “A surgically damaged man appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair, and the applause is mandatory,” opined National Review‘s David French. ”If we’re not going to defend as a [Republican] party basic principles of male and female, that life is sacred because it comes from God, then you’re going to lose the vast majority of people who’ve joined that party,” howled Iowa talk-radio host Steve Deace."

"Gillespie cited Outside the Beltway’s Doug Mataconis, who wrote:
[It's just] another attempt by social conservatives to demean transgender people, a phenomenon that has been quite prevalent on that side of the political spectrum over the past two weeks. Even taking the arguments at face value, though, they don’t add up….
Rachel Dolezal didn’t “choose her race,” she committed fraud by lying about her background. She can choose to adopt whatever culture she wishes, but that’s not what happened here. She lied about her background, not just to the public but apparently also on job applications. That’s fraud. The people who are trying to use this case to draw analogies to, or mostly just to make stupid, snarly comments about, the issues raised last week by the Caitlyn Jenner story, are just being obnoxious jerks.
           Obnoxious jerks, or adherents to objective reality?"  more
Then there's this jucy tidbit  from the Daily Mail:

EXCLUSIVE: US race-faker Rachel Dolezal was in a SEX TAPE - her ex-husband forced her to perform 'sex acts' in front of the camera against her will, she claimed in court papers

  • Dolezal wed African American physical therapist Kevin Moore in 2000
  • But their marriage ended five years later in a bitter court battle
  • She claims in court documents she suffered 'years' of 'physical, emotional, sexual and verbal abuse' at his hands and offered the sex tape as proof
  • Her brother Joshua wrote in his memoir that his sister told him: 'Sometimes he’s on top of me before I’m even awake'
  • Moore denied the claims of abuse - and friends describe him as a committed Christian who was deeply distressed by the 'wild accusations' more
Now we're seeing the 'trans' movement transforming in other naacp chapters to 'transcitizens'--reference these series of  posts on FaceBook :

Enrique Gomez-prez of Jackson County NC naacp branch 54ab and apparent Mexican national
Allen Lomax Enrique has never claimed to be anything other than the Mexican born USA citizen that he is. Membership in the NAACP is open to all races.
Like · Reply · June 13 at 11:25pm · Edited

Carl Iobst Where's his green card or proof of citizenship? Until I see that I don't know what or who he is. #fakeblacklivesmatter!

  • Allen Lomax Last I checked, citizens don't need green cards. Don't know all the facts but from what I understand he is a natural born citizen born in Mexico -- meaning, he was born to an USA citizen who was living abroad at the time of his birth.
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 10:47am · Edited

Carl Iobst Sounds as if that's the same kind of 'gobble-d-gook' citizenship that Ted Cruz has. The Founders never intended such convoluted 'citizenship.' Just one of the many reasons that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Unless someone is born on American territory/military installation and is born of two American parents they're NOT an American citizen. Thank you for clarifying that Enrique Gomez, prez of Jackson County NC naacp branch 54ab is actually a Mexican citizen. Looks as if the NAACP has another scandal on it's hands! #fakeblacklivesmatter "

Out right fraud, a denial of objective reality--only someone extremely psychotic would engage in such unbalanced ideations--someone such as Rachel Dolezal. Each week its some new insanity which the 'progressives' applaud. Yet that is where we are as a society--hurtling ever closer to the bottom of the abyss with the inevitable catastrophic civilization-killer crash. Although it's been a while since I've read Gibbon I seem to remember that in the very last years of the empire, Roman citizens tended to be in denial about their civilization deconstructing also.

Thomas Cole-The Course of Empire, Destruction 1836
Take heed Patriots. Accelerate your preps--or else pay the ultimate price.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Did NAACP president lie about her race? City investigates

from KXLY SPOKANE, Wash. - "The City of Spokane announced Thursday it's investigating whether the president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP violated the city's code of ethics in her application to serve on the citizen police ombudsman commission.
Rachel Dolezal serves as chair of the independent commission, in addition to her work as an adjunct faculty member at Eastern Washington University and president of the NAACP local chapter. On her application to serve on the commission, she identified herself as African-American. But public records, including Dolezal's own birth certificate, list her biological parents as Ruthanne and Lawrence Dolezal of Montana. The Dolezals told KXLY Thursday that Rachel is their biological daughter and that they are both white." more
Rachel Dolezal, racial hoaxer

75 years ago blacks tried to pass as white. Now everyone it seems wants to be 'trans.' 'Trans' being whatever you want to call yourself. Just to the rational, casual observer our society is extremely psychotic. No wonder that many millions of Americans are taking daily doses of psychotropic medications in an attempt to control their disorders and pass as 'normal.'

Enrique Gomez, prez of Jackson County NC naacp branch 54ab
Could the president of an NAACP chapter here in North Carolina be passing themselves off as 'african-american' when they're not?
Could the president of the Jackson County NAACP Branch 54AB Enrique Gomez be passing himself off as something that he's not? Is he even a legal American? Stay tuned.
Sadly, when the schumer hits the fan the only sure cure for these folks and many other 'zombies' in-the-making will be the Mozambique Drill--probably directly delivered by the regime that they profess to worship.
Dead people walking.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Importance of Not Being Certain

Charlie Martin nails it and Galileo would be proud. 
From pjmedia:  "There’s this thing “science” that people talk about a lot. Climate science, political science, social science, and not to leave out my own field, computer science. And, of course, areas of study that don’t need to have “science” in their names, like chemistry and physics. But what is this thing “science”? I’ve been thinking a lot and reading a lot about it, and no, I don’t have a final answer… and then it occurred to me that “I don’t have a final answer” is really the key to understanding “science.” more
 Science is NEVER 'settled.' Think so huh? Well you're a simpleton.
If you are foolish enough to believe that science is ever 'settled' your sentence and your challenge is to read two books by Carl Sagan: The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
and  Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science
For the rest of you critical thinkers, if you haven't noticed, the unthinking bellowing mob still continues to engage in the cult of personality leader worship.
Only starvation, sickness and large amounts of ammunition will solve this problem.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Building the New Dark-Age Mind

America’s descent into the Dark Ages will not end well. It never has in the past.
Victor Davis Hanson is ruthless: 
"History is not static and it does not progress linearly.  There was more free speech and unimpeded expression in 5th-century Athens than in Western Europe between 1934-45, or in Eastern Europe during 1946-1989. An American could speak his mind more freely in 1970 than now. Many in the United States had naively believed that the Enlightenment, the U.S. Constitution, and over two centuries of American customs and traditions had guaranteed that Americans could always take for granted free speech and unfettered inquiry.
That is an ahistorical assumption. The wish to silence, censor, and impede thought is just as strong a human emotion as the desire for free expression — especially when censorship is cloaked in rhetoric about fairness, equality, justice, and all the other euphemisms for not allowing the free promulgation of ideas." more
You can say all the socially correct lies that you want prozis. They will count for nought when the gibbet is the order of the day and the "shotgun sings it's song."
Patriots. Be warned.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

That Pesky Little First Amendment

from James Wesley, Rawles
"Over the past weekend, by way of the NRA some troubling news spread across the Internet: “Commonly used and unregulated Internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a ‘gag order on firearm-related speech,'” This stems from an Obama Regime reinterpretation of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The State Department is updating the ITAR, which implements the Federal Arms Export Control Act (AECA). The net effect of this new ITAR amplification would be to reclassify gun blogs, forums, chat rooms, and firearms “how-to” web pages as “export restricted” firearms technical data. And get this: Per the proposed new rules, “Mother May I” permission must be granted before posting any such data, and failure to do so could result in fines of up to $1 million and prison sentences up to 20 years.
Well, I have a news flash for BHO‘s minions in the State Department: In this nation we have a pesky little scrap of paper that trumps all other pieces of paper, called The Constitution, and it includes the First Amendment, which guarantees our freedom of press.
I must illustrate an important point: With the exception of common law libel restrictions, there are no limits to the freedom of press in these United States. For the purpose of educating the public on that point, I’m posting this little gem of a files link here. There, I did it. I’ll see you in court, Mrs. Lynch.
Please contact your congressional representatives and voice any concerns about this proposed ITAR rules change. – JWR"

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Saturday, June 6, 2015

71 years ago today--6 June 1944

Men of E Co. 16th Infantry (US 1st Infantry division) hit Omaha Beach in the Fox Green sector. Note the plastic bags that protected their rifles. (Image embiggens… a lot). US Navy Photo.

from weaponsman: "The men of the landing forces met very different results. Bombing and naval gunfire preparation of the beaches weren’t very effective, and some forces, notably the Americans’ left wing at Omaha and the Canadians at Juno, got hit hard. Especially on Omaha Beach, there was a bitter fight for the shoreline, the obstacles, the German positions and the dunes and draws; units were erased, decapitated, disorganized; and when they finally got off the beach it was the doing of individual officers, NCOs and even privates who organized ad hoc assaults around and through the German defenses. Other places, including on the American center-right Utah Beach, the units got ashore in good order and with relatively light casualties." more
War isn't pretty. The First American Revolution brought tens of thousands of casualties--brother against brother, father against son, families against families. The Second American Revolution was worse; over 600,000 dead and nothing was settled. The coming Third American Revolution will be just as nasty, bloody, and dirty as the first two--count on it. Unfortunately it's a necessity.
John w. Whitehead says it best: "Once the government starts operating outside the law, answerable to no one but itself, there’s no way to rein it back in, short of revolution. And by revolution, I mean doing away with the entire structure, because the corruption and lawlessness have become that pervasive."
 When the balloon goes up (to use a term from the "War to end all Wars") will you 'man up' or will you hide under your bed?
 Best to start getting ready now--before the cattle car takes you to a FEMA 'relocation' camp.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Turn Out the Lights and Lock the Door

Richard Fletcher and one of his 'teen' attackers Antoine Lawson
I Hear the Fat Lady Singing
from Fred Reed: "We read over and over of the Culture Wars, and the War between the Sexes, of Red States and Blue States, as if these were amusing disputes between parents and adolescents in a sitcom. Methinks something far uglier and more dangerous brews.
Almost daily, friends send me links to accounts of what seem to them, and to me, lunacy, usually accompanied by notes expressing incredulity and—this will matter one day--anger. The stories deal with things utterly repugnant to much of the country, especially the South and West, the blue collar, the military, and much of the Mid-West:: racial lawlessness, glorification of every sexual weirdity anyone can imagine, hostility to Christianity (but not to Judaism or Islam), phony charges of rape, compulsory Ritalin-ingestion, grotesque affirmative action in the hiring of cops and firemen, attacks on academic standards, little boys dragged from school in handcuffs for drawing a soldier, the anti-gun crusade, the truffle-hound search for "stereotypes" and discrimination, and the denigration of masculinity and every aspect of white European culture.
And, always, always, the suppression of news of the unending vicious attacks by er, teens, on whites. This latter goes beyond bias into undeclared censorship. Er, teens can loot, burn, and rape, and not much happens to them, but if you are white and say "nigger" in an email, you lose your job.
We have two countries that do not like each other at all.
This can’t last. A large part of America loathes these things and wants no part of them or of the country that enforces them. We see two utterly incompatible views of the world, one found chiefly among the Northeastern “elite,” academia, the upper middle class, the media, the Left Coast, and the other found in the rest of the country. With breathtaking imprecision, I call them the Center and the Seaboard." more
It's pretty obvious what has to happen sooner rather than later.
 If you haven't yet sharpened your bayonet (reference to U.S.Army's 7th Infantry Division), do so...soon. You'll need it.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Monday, June 1, 2015

Soetero student identification at Columbia University

A Patriot who works at Columbia University just recently scanned and released this photo.
This indicates that a massive fraud has been perpretated on the American people.
Are you okay with that?
Not long now.
Tempus fugit

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine