Friday, May 31, 2013

Professor advocates "missile attacks/firing squads on NRA"

Hawk missile launch
At least some academics believe that you and I should be warred upon by our government with "missile launches"

Nazi soldiers executing by firing squad a partisan
and those of us who survive should be murdered in front of a "firing squad." With much more of that kind of unbalanced 'pretzel logic' (instigated by the evil one because we are dealing with spiritual warfare here) we Americans are definitely headed for armed confrontation.
Patriot firing heavy machine gun
Its really pretty simple -- causes, conditions, occasions, effects. The causes and conditions are in place. The republic is effectively gone with no true freedom (ask the AP about the DOJ spying on them) All we are waiting for is the occasion (s) (another Waco?) to unleash the effects.
Its all here at the WV Gazette.
With insane talk such as that why would I ever give up any of my weapons?
Come and Take It!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises now)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Protect and Serve" is dead

Philly PD saluting tyrant (guess who?)
The jackbooted thugs of at least one major police department have finally outed themselves:
"The Police Department is structured as a para-military organization. This means that we employ a culture and protocols that closely approximate those of the armed forces."
 official website
What this means is that it is highly likely that your local police department views you as "the enemy." If you are a declared "enemy of the people" they will capture you if able but will prefer to throw a 'heater' in the cabin you're holing up in and laugh as it burns down with you in it. Your 'government', given the opportunity, wants to conquer you.
Do you understand yet?

Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises now)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Airplane Stories

Not long ago a friend and I had a conversation regarding the regime and its tactical weaknesses.
Today I happened to notice some interesting information about a veteran flying his private plane across the country.
I communicated to my friend:
"Seems the is already thinking (and acting) about small, private airplanes and worried about the possibilities of what we talked about. The sooner that Patriots are prepared for the up-coming North American live-fire exercises, the better."
Of course, this situation with the veteran flying his private plane across country only begins to touch upon one of the scenarios that we talked about. Because of OPSEC and the Patriots involved in the resistance I won't say any more on that specifically. The truly wonderful thing is that here in the 21st century we're in 4GW territory and the can't even begin to cover all the plane scenarios for destabilizing the regime nor can they cover all the other tactical weakness scenarios that are currently being war gamed right now as you read this.
An open-source asymmetrical insurgency, over the long run, will defeat the statists. Count on it. You just have to be willing to do the work to restore the Constitution.
Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises now)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Patriot Intelligence

JBTs attempting to stomp on another American's Natural Rights
Overheard recently in a local coffee house:
In response to a Patriot friend's query "what'cha gonna do when the DHS comes a-knockin'?"
Patriot's response:
" their hide outs and haunts, learn their daily routines and patterns, and engage them at the  time and on the ground of our choosing before they 'come a-knockin'.
Sun Tzu and 4GW. Learn it, live it, love it."

Sun Tzu-5th century Chinese general and superb tactician
Folks, along with organization, logistics, and training restoring the Constitutional rule of law is going to take intelligence--intelligence gathered on the weak points of the regime--intelligence that can be used at the proper time--to strike and end the neo-com threat once and for all.
 Intelligence can be as simple as finding out where your local .gov office (s) are, do they have security cameras, are there regular deliveries by shipping companies and others made? What patterns of movement do these agents of engage in? Find the weaknesses in their operation so that they can be exploited.
Sun Tzu, a 5th century Chinese general and tactician knew about and made use of exploiting weaknesses and consequently used (and wrote about) several  different types of spies that a military leader could, and should put to use because after all in war "If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without jeopardy."

Remember, Patriots rifles will be very useful in the near-future. Using those rifles with Intelligence gathered by Patriots just like you on the neo-coms will enable us to restore the rule of Constitutional law and our prosperity as a people.
Organize, Prepare, Train!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Islamo-fascists caught reconning Boston water supply!

City of Boston water supply
Earlier today (Thursday May 16) police caught seven 'chemical engineers' from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Singapore. In response to police questioning they responded that they had an "educational interest" in the water supply. As of post-time water quality testing hasn't revealed any contamination. More from sfmedic.
Organize, Prepare, Train!

Gallows Used to Hang Gangster Discovered in Barn

Illinois gangster Charlie Birger being hanged
This is a photograph of the infamous 1920s Illinois gangster Charlie Birger being hanged in 1928. It was recently found disassembled in a barn in Franklin County Illinois. A local museum that has memorabilia on Birger has requested it be sent to them. Before the scaffold is enshrined in the museum it could be put to good use removing some more modern criminals from their current haunts (such as Washington D.C.)
Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises now)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Evil Guns"

An explanation from James Wesley, Rawles' website why neo-coms fear guns and gun owners:

Voodoo in the 21st Century: Evil Guns and Other Absurd Notions

A recurring theme in western journalism, academia, and collectivist politics is the quaint notion that firearms are intrinsically evil. That is, that they have a will of their own, that somehow inspires their owners to murder and mayhem. I liken this nonsensical belief to voodoo.
The "guns are evil" viewpoint was encapsulated by social psychologist Leonard Berkowitz when he wrote: “Guns not only permit violence, they can stimulate it as well. The finger pulls the trigger, but the trigger may also be pulling the finger.” I am astounded that something like that can be earnestly said or written in modern times, and not immediately get shouted down. This statement betrays an outlook that is not much different than that of a practitioner of Voodoo. And to see this espoused by some with a nomen appendage like "Ph.D." makes it even more absurd. (Leonard Berkowitz was awarded a Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan in 1951. But apparently U. of M.'s doctoral program did not include courses in logic. And his study of what he called "the weapons effect" was conducted quite unscientifically.) Just imagine if he or one of his academic cohort were to proclaim: "Typewriters not only permit libel, they can stimulate it as well. The fingers tap the keys, but the keys may also be pulling the finger toward the keyboard by an unseen force, stimulating libel.” Any psychologist who trots out such nonsense needs to consult a psychiatrist.
I have a few questions for Dr. Berkowitz and his peers:
1.) What is the mechanical difference between a "target pistol" and a "murder weapon"?
2.) What is a "Nazi Luger"? Can a Luger pistol join the National Socialist party, and share their hatred of perceived Untermenschen and wish to exterminate them? By the same token, what is a "Communist AK-47"?
3.) How many people have been killed by guns without someone physically pulling the trigger? And in any very rare exception to the norm, was it a mechanical defect or negligent handling at fault, or did the gun really wish to do harm and "go off by itself."?
4.) Why have gun makers been sued for wrongful death because of murders committed with their products? (If a gun does indeed consistently fire a bullet at high velocity when the safety mechanism is disengaged and the trigger is pulled, then isn't that device working just as designed?)
5.) What, pray tell, is the distinguishing characteristics of an "assault" rifle, and what differentiates it from a "hunting" rifle? Does the attachment of a black plastic buttstock make a gun in any way more wicked, murderous, or bent on assault than attaching a pretty wooden stock?
6.) Is a magazine capacity of 16 rounds inherently more evil, criminal or sinister than a capacity of 15 rounds? (This was threshold that the geniuses in the Colorado legislature recently declared, complete with jail term penalties. OBTW, Canada set the threshold of evil at a mere five rounds, for semiautomatic long guns.)
Let step back and look at these tools logically and dispassionately: A firearm cartridge can be thought of as a simple single-use internal combustion engine, with a piston that does not reciprocate. Instead, it takes a one-way flight. The engine housing is a brass cartridge case, and the "vehicle" is the entire gun. The pistons as are called bullets. The fuel for these engines (gunpowder) creates the expanding gasses that drive the pistons. Cartridge firearms are compact vehicles for change that have shaped modern history. The righteousness of their use is entirely up to their users, since like any other tool they can be used both for good or for ill.  A firearm is just a tool with no volition. A rifle is no different than a claw hammer. To wit: A hammer can be used to build a house, or it can be used to bash in someone’s skull—the choice of uses is entirely up to the owner.  A bulldozer can used to build roads, or to destroy houses. A rifle can be used to drill holes in paper targets, or to dispatch a marauding bear, or to murder your fellow man. Again, the choice of uses is entirely up to the user. But, alas, even though it is the 21st Century, we are still dealing with voodoo-like superstition. If you get angry or drunk and you then use your Chrysler car to run over a neighbor's child, should your neighbor then launch an organization called "The Coalition to Ban Chryslers," to punish all Chrysler owners?
I am also opposed to all so-called “gun control” laws because they are a form of prior restraint. The gun grabbers presuppose ill-intent on the part of law-abiding citizens and even the guns themselves. I find these laws akin to the concept of “pre-crime”—a term coined by science fiction novelist Phillip K. Dick, in his novel Minority Report. (It was later turned into a movie, starring Tom Cruise.)
If a firearm is used by a criminal or psychopath with evil intentions, then it is a tool for evil. But if it is used for good (to defend life and property), then it is a tool for good. A firearm by itself has no sentience, no volition, no moral force, and no politics. The proper term for this is an adiaphorous object--something that is neither good nor evil. A firearm is simply a cleverly-designed construction of metal, wood, and plastic in the form of a precision tool. Granted, a firearms magnifies the reach of a man's volition. But so does a long bow, and so does a telephone and the Internet. But to deride the tool itself instead of someone who abuses it is profoundly illogical and superstitious.
So why do they disparage the tool and not the one who wrongly wields it? Why isn't gasoline seen as evil, since Julio Gonzalez used it to kill 87 people at the Happy Land Club in his murderous arson, in 1990? And why aren't there calls to ban nitrogen fertilizer, since Timothy McVeigh used it to kill 168 people in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995? And shouldn't Boeing brand jet aircraft be banned, since they were used to take nearly 3,000 innocent lives on September 11, 2001? And aren't pressure cookers now the weapon of choice of Islamic terrorists?
Ever since the invention accurate rifled firearms, the course of human history has been set by the men who wield them. For someone to exclude themselves or seek to disenfranchise others from owning or carrying them is the most absurdly illogical and downright suicidal attitude imaginable. It is obvious that so-called "Gun Control" laws have nothing to do with the criminal misuse of guns, since criminals ignore all laws, by definition. Only honest, law-abiding citizens obey these laws. Rather, these laws are just about control--namely people control. Dictators cannot dictate unless they have unarmed subjects.
Here it is, in quintessence: You are either a man with a gun, or you are mere human cattle for the slaughter. The choice is yours. I prefer to be armed and vigilant rather than being at the mercy of some would-be slave master. There is no notch in my ear.
Because they are such useful tools, our founding fathers recognized the great importance of safeguarding our ownership, carry, and free use of arms. Like the printing press, they were specifically protected by the Bill of Rights. These enumerated rights should be taken at face value and not misconstrued. The Second Amendment is about protecting your right to go deer hunting the same way that the First Amendment is about protecting your right to publish poetry.
Please speak up when you see someone preaching voodoo gun hatred. Violence involving firearms is actually down 39% in the U.S. since 1993. But anti-gun rhetoric has recently been increasing. All of the "evil gun" talk is nothing more than an unfounded irrational fear and loathing that has no place in a modern society that recognizes facts and logic. Anyone who engages in this rhetoric should be immediately suspect. Odds are that they are halophantae with a hidden agenda. While they rail against an inanimate tool, I suspect that they are actually plotting against the liberty of a group of people with whom they disagree. They want to disarm you, so that they (or their hired armed thugs) will have a monopoly on force. And if the history of the 20th century taught us anything, it is that a monopoly on force inevitably leads to genocide. - James Wesley, Rawles

Understand yet? The neo-coms want you to become their slaves.

Come and Take It!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Liberator 3-D pistol back up on the 'net!

Liberator 3-D pistol back up on the 'net. I've got mine. Now go download your regime-change pistol here now!
                                                 Organize, Prepare, Train!

Build your own firearm and use it, on the cheap!

Neo-Coms, think banning guns is going to solve America's violence problem? Despite the fact that there are millions of firearms out 'there' and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition reserved for gun-grabbing neo-coms most people will turn them on tyrants and their lackeys before they turn them in. And innovative people can still make their own effective, lethal firearms and ammunition.
The elusive wapati gives this link from one of the Brit newspapers.

Come and Take It!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Liberator printable pistol

WWII Liberator .45 caliber single shot pistol
A long time ago (WWII) America helped the partisans of Europe to defeat the Nazis. One of the tools that we airdropped into occupied territory was the single shot .45 caliber smooth bore Liberator pistol. It was designed to be able to put into your coat pocket, walk up to a Nazi sentry, shoot them without warning and take their rifle and ammunition. The .45 Liberator worked very well.
Now comes the second decade of the 21st century and high-tech plastics and 3-D printing and voila!
The new Defense Distributed "Liberator," a .22 LR single-shot plastic pistol
DD "Liberator" dissembled
whose only metal part is a nail. This time a private individual decided to use the Internet to 'air-drop' the plans for this 3D-printable gun to us embattled insurgents here in Amerika.
Download the plans for your very own 21st century Liberator here.
Update: After several hundred thousand downloads the tyrannical fedgov intimidated DD into removing the Liberator from it's website.  Typical of what fascist governments try to do against their citizens but ultimately it doesn't matter. See next post.
Organize, Prepare, Train!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Never too old: Captain Samuel Whittemore

Battle marker for Captain Samuel Whittemore
Captain Samuel Whittemore's enemies, French and British, "died suddenly" in several engagements.
If you think that you're too old to participate in the upcoming North American live fire exercises please read this.
Organize, Prepare, Train!