Saturday, November 29, 2014

An Airborne Thanksgiving

Remember when U.S. students were held hostage on the Caribbean Island of Grenada by communist thugs? COL. Keith Nightingale tells us about "An Airborne Thanksgiving."

COL Keith Nightingale today
The 25th of October is celebrated in Grenada as Thanksgiving-a holiday created by a grateful Nation to honor the day the US Military rescued them from local thugs and their Cuban cohorts.  The anniversary of the Grenada invasion was also a watershed for the United States by putting the Vietnam experience behind it as well as restoring the International respect it had lost over time. more

A cursory study of History shows that repeatedly the blessings of Freedom are secured only by the violence and courage of men-at-arms. Diplomats, because of their ineptness and stupidity invariably set us up for the next conflict and soldiers always pay the price.
Here in America, once again Freedom's bill is about to come due. You know the Jefferson quote? "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." Those are not just words. They are REALITY.
How much is your Freedom worth? And are you willing to pay the price for you, for your children and grandchildren?
Tempus fugit

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises coming soon complete with plague, pestilence, race riots (right now!) and ISIL terrorist attacks and eventual Chinese invasion.

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