Wednesday, November 12, 2014

bho gets scammed again! (what else is new?)

the pretender-in-chief bowing to Xi Jinping, the Chi-Comm supreme leader
The Chi-Comm 'General Secretary' Xi Jinping struck a deal with our pretend leader earlier today whereby Xi conned bho into harming our economy even more then he already has by agreeing to reduce our mythical carbon emissions and Xi gets to build nuclear power plants to provide energy for the PLAs growing war machine; and, essentially telling bho and the rest of us to go to hell when it comes to the Hong Kong democratic protestors. But hay, if stupid westerners are delusional enough to believe in the lie of 'global warming' and cripple themselves even farther in anticipation of the planned PLA invasion of America then who is a practical-minded dictator such as Xi to argue?
Despite logistics challenges once the economy crashes and the grid goes down and U.S. degenerates into semi-barbarism the Chi-Comms (Peoples Liberation Army) will invade North America. The PRC wants our strategic natural resources and will use the poplualtion that hasn't died off from violence, starvation and disease as corvee (slave) labor to extract these materials for shipment back to China. Naturally, when the PLA has no further use for us they'll simply murder us all and prepare the continent for colonization.
Are you okay with that or are you willing to do something now in preparation for that day?
Tempus fugit.
Patriots; Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises coming soon complete with plague, pestilence, race riots and ISIL terrorist attacks and eventual Chinese invasion!)

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