Commissioners, I apologize for missing the last (April 19) meeting. I had bigger fish to fry in Washington, D.C. on that date. I know that you missed me.
Now back to the little pond with the little slippery fish that just keep nibbling the worms off the hook and getting away.
It must have cost quite a bit of political capital to get the local government commission to forget about those missing audits. I know that you felt real good Mr. Chair, about calling a big, armed peace officer to subdue a little old lady; especially after you raised her dander a bit by disavowing all responsibility for the EDC/JDC and we, the tax payer’s money. With all due respect to Commissioner Cowan, the Jackson County board of commissioners may not have the legal authority to insist on the missing audits yet we the citizens of Jackson County have the authority to insist on accountability for our money that was given to the EDC and the JDC. Remember gentlemen, those are my and every other citizen of Jackson County’s seats up there. I know that you recall that little agreement you and I have on accountable, open and honest government or else resign from our seats. Right?
It seems that it is coming down to fish or cut bait time on the old Tuckaseigee Mills property. We have already allowed the main tenant to become in arrears over $530,000.00. Anybody got an extra half of a million (or more) dollars to throw down a rat hole?
Commissioner Massie, I agree with you that Jackson County needs to reduce the size of its huge motor pool. But darn commissioner, don’t you think that we need to reduce the size of our county government first? It would seem that the exorbitant fat-cat salaries that the managerial county employees are getting contribute quite a bit to the size of the county’s indebtedness. I don’t agree with our county finance director on much. Yet Director Fox has pointed out one truth: if we don’t reduce our expenditures in this county we are going to go broke. Balancing the budget is NOT enough. Forget raising taxes. We don’t have the money. Darn, I bet ya’ll wish you could print money like that gang up in Washington D.C. don’tcha?
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