Commissioners, one of the definitions of socialism is when an authoritarian government, thinking it knows what is good for the subjects under it, forcibly takes wealth from producing individuals and gives it to non-producing individuals. Taking my and every other citizen’s money and giving it to a non-producing Mr. Clemmy Queen and QC Enterprises, especially without accountability and responsibility for many years, is totally outrageous and possibly illegal. But then all those loans, missed payments, interest, and missed rent happened under other commissioners. They are not your responsibility, right?
QC Enterprises owes me and every other citizen of Jackson County at least $530,000 dollars. Repairs, if made, to the old Tuckaseigee Mills, a true turkey of a property, will be at least 500,000 dollars. The county manager has said that we could spend at least a million dollars on the property. He doesn’t seem to be behaving in an accountable manner to the citizens of Jackson County. Nor have I heard him volunteer to contribute his “fat cat” pay raise to help the bankrupt Queen. Commissioners, are you willing to take money out of your own pockets and give it to Queen?
Stanton Woodworking and Lucky Tomato are doing what responsible, innovative businesses are supposed to do--making a profit and paying their bills. They could be moved from the death trap (numerous safety and fire violations) of the old Tuckaseigee Mills into the idled Stonewall packaging plant now that Jackson Paper has failed to perform as they said they would. So much for the promised "61 jobs." It may be true that the Stonewall Packaging debacle hasn’t cost the county any money, although I won’t believe that until I see the final figures from the county. However, the county should have never loaned money to Jackson Paper, in effect becoming partners with them as this was not in the best interest of free enterprise here in Jackson County.
Commissioners, let’s hope that you listen a little better to your constituents (the owners of those seats your sitting in) this time and not be ‘spend thrifts’ with my and everyone else’s’ money. Remember what Finance Director Fox has pointed out: if we don’t reduce our expenditures in this county we are going to go broke. Commissioners, before you end up bankrupting us all it is time to cut off the prodigal son.
Commissioners, I bet ya’ll really wish you could print money like that gang up in Washington D.C. Thank Goodness you can’t.
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