Last time we had a little chat about the shell game also known as the county budget. No county office holder, elected or unelected, emailed me their resignation. That means that all of you commissioners and all county office holders, especially the upper level managerial office holders, county manager included, publicly agree to fulfill the standards of accountable, open, and honest government. I certainly hope so.
Speaking of office holders, I understand the sheriff is here tonight to ask for two new ordinances concerning burglar alarms and adult entertainment. I’m all for both burglar alarms and adult entertainment especially since they are both covered by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Let’s be real careful here and not cause another controversy or else first amendment groups could really hammer the citizens of Jackson County with more litigation that we definitely don’t need.
Speaking of ordinances, I understand that at least one commissioner has professed ignorance on how these suggested draft amendments to the Hillside and Subdivision Ordinance came to occur. If that is so (and I don’t disbelieve him) then how did the planning board come to begin the process of suggesting possible changes? It is my understanding that someone or someone’s above Ms. Cable’s level of authority had to ask that the planning department and planning board look at possible changes. Who did this? Why now? And why are we citizens being presented with bogus evidence such as that misleading photograph of the two ‘McMansions’ in Cashiers as evidence for change to the ordinance. Messing with the Hillside and Subdivision Ordinance, especially now, is the fast track to political suicide. I haven’t heard any of you talk about retiring from public life just yet. Forget refinement gentlemen, let’s strengthen the ordinance. It didn’t cause the business and construction downturn, the idiots up in Washington D.C. and the New York Stock Exchange did.
Oh, one more thing. Budget amendments are all well and good. The only problem is why can’t we stick to the original budget and stop adding on piece-meal these constant requests for more money. It’s almost like one of those little ankle-biter dogs constantly nipping at you. A little bite here or there doesn’t do much damage. But over the long run those sharp teeth can put you in a world of hurt. All of these little budget amendments nips eventually add up to millions and millions of dollars of debt; something that our children and grandchildren will end up paying for, right?
Always watching,
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