Thursday, July 2, 2015

Random Thoughts About the Possibility of a Second Civil War

From thetruthaboutguns: "I believe the fight over gun rights will be the flashpoint. At some point, most likely (but not necessarily) following a series of terrorist attacks, Big Government will move to “win” the gun rights battle. To establish its authority once and for all. The Bundy Ranch confrontation foreshadows that fateful day. As does Waco and Ruby Ridge and the internment of Japanese Americans." more
Do you think? Farago misterms his article. It actually should be "Random Thoughts About the Possibility of a Third American Revolution." Although most won't care when the shooting starts. That's for the Historians later, much later to argue about. Of course a lot of people have been holding their breath over the church burnings that have been allegedly happening recently, just waiting for the demagogue-in-chief to make some anti-Freedom move.  The only thing that has been holding Soetero, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharp ton and other cultural marxists/race hustlers back is the fact that private structures (houses and churches) burn all the time. As of 2 July 2015 the only alleged cause for one church that has burned is that it was struck by lightening. Happens much more than you would think. No, what the race hustlers are waiting for is some more people to get murdered by some mentally ill person (preferably Caucasian) in a a victim ('gun free') zone--best that it will be a 'black' church and a former cog in the 'underground railroad.' When something horrific such as that happens the regime 'leader' will do a 'presidential directive', which doesn't have to be grounded in any law, doesn't have to be published in the Congressional Record and the contents can remain secret (eyes only--need to know) from you and I. Sounds surreal, you know Orwellian, well it is and that's where we are now; I've been writing about the regime anti-Freedom 'chess moves' for well over a year now and we're close to the bottom of the abyss of the Interregnum, but not quite there yet. You'll know we're almost there when we start into a hyper-inflationary death spiral, the lines form at the banks/ATMs and the major metrolpolitan areas start seeing food riots and check points, ostensibly to guard against 'terrorist' (actually Patriot insurgency) activity. Oh, and the regime HIT (home invasion team) squads will be no-knockin' anti-regime (Patriot) types homes and businesses. The Rule of Man. Its here. And away we go!
Tempus fugit
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

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