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Baltimore burns while barry fiddles |
The insanity over the Battle flag of
the Army of Northern Virginia, from my conversations in person and on
the Internet with many folks, has little or nothing to do with the
flag itself, which is only an excuse, not an underlying cause. The
proximate cause is about an anger in these United States that cannot
be mentioned. This is a rage of a people who see, justifiably,
everything that who they are and believe in is under attack by a
tyrannical regime and its allies—a tyrannical regime that is
everything that they are not; no heritage to be proud of except what
has been concocted by the state, irreligious in the extreme, and
valueless where lies, bribery and deceit are the order of the day.
The pundits inside the emerald city's
beltway and the psuedo-intellectuals in the cloistered towers in New
York are clueless over this anger. They don't talk to the regular
folks in the cafes and Churches of 'flyover' country nor would they
want to. They are smug and sure of themselves, seemingly secure in
their ignorance and they have no clue of what is coming.
We are dealing with things visceral,
not rational. And to confuse the two is extremely dangerous. The
banning of the flag infuriates me and many others. I was raised here
in the South and despite its failings I know it to be a good
place—the best place in America to be born, live and die. My
ancestors came to North America to be free; free from tyrants small
and large; free to own their own few acres of land; free to worship
and think as they chose without someone or some thing telling them
what to do. When .gov wants to tell me what to do and how to think I
loathe them.
A great many people loathe .gov.
Soon, the cultural marxists,
neo-rascists, Southern culture haters and their useful idiots may be
greatly surprised.
This anger, on the surface, is about
race: illegal aliens, the Knock-Out game, flash riots and beat-downs,
and the emerald city's protection of the perpetrators of these
affronts to human decency. This anger and hostility has not come from
the grassroots. It is the doing of the talking heads, the
politicians, the 'thought leaders' and their perverted social
policies. Because of the arrogance of these social and constitutional
criminals the rancor is unlike anything I have ever seen in my
studies of human history, psychology and politics.
Everyone wants a society where all are
“created equal,” where the disadvantaged are helped, where
justice is done. I do.
This is not what has happened. Forced
hiring, not dissimilar to elections at the point of Yankee bayonets
in Southern states during reconstruction, of the incompetent is a
'constitutional' right. One sees, hears, and reads of the endless
accounts of blacks destroying shopping malls, burning cities,
brutally attacking whites in gangs, and the giving of blacks anything
that they want, not to actually make their lives any better, but
because they want it and these giveaways will temporarily appease
them. The race-hustlers don't like the Battle flag of the Army of
Northern Virginia, why then it must go. Whatever the race-hustlers
say. Sure thing Jesse and Al.
It is getting worse and it is far more
than race. You and I are forced to live in a national sexual-freak
show. Day after day the media are full of prancing peculiarities
thrust in our faces demanding and demanding and demanding. People
who dare not raise any objection to this insanity are sick of it.
I and no one that I know want to
persecute these erotically baroque people. No one that I know of
cares who sleeps with whom and how they do it. We are tired of their
endless, tedious whining concerns. Just go with God. God bless and
good Fortune, but go.
Violent crime is making a resurgence,
courtesy of and protected by a president and an attorney general who
we share absolutely no values with, who dislike regular folks in
'flyover' country, who want to disarm us and flood our country with
hundreds of thousands of illegal and incompatible aliens.
I could go on about the
de-Christianizing of America far beyond the “wall of separation”
that Jefferson envisioned. Read a biography of our third president
sometime. You will quickly see that he wanted to protect Religion
from government not the reverse.
There is a quiet fury about open
borders, forced acceptance of criminal aliens, the endless wars, the
declining standard of living, the Orwellian censorship, federal
bureaucrats telling people what to do, and the police state
surveillance. The mandarins in the emerald city keep pushing and
pushing and pushing, thinking that surely we will eventually kowtow
to their supreme authority.
What if one day soon, you wake up and
scream “I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore?”
Tempus fugit
Free America!
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