Thursday, July 30, 2015

Use the tools that you've got

A Trumpy class PTF-17. Too bad we couldn't put this on the French Broad to assault and burn the communist city state known as Asheville.
From weaponsman: "What’s that? It sounds like a ham callsign? And we think that’s what stands for, although the site breaks it out as Navy 6 Combat Coms. But what we were flagged to was the site author, Tim Sammons’s, stories of his service in the Navy on a forgotten class of small combatants, the Trumpy class PTF patrol boats. The boats were American-made licensed copies of the Norwegian Nasty class boats that were used by the maritime operations wing of SOG in the Vietnam War. Tim has great stories of the Trumpys he knew, PTF-17, -18, and -19, boats that resembled in style, construction and size the classic Elco PT boats of World War II." more

You have to use the tools that you've got to do the job that needs doing.
What 'tools' do you have laying around (or within easy reach begging to be used) that will be useful in the coming North American live-fire exercises?
Think hard. Fortune and asymmetric 4GW favors the inventive.
Tempus fugit.
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Monday, July 13, 2015

Dear .gov

Baltimore burns while barry fiddles
The insanity over the Battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, from my conversations in person and on the Internet with many folks, has little or nothing to do with the flag itself, which is only an excuse, not an underlying cause. The proximate cause is about an anger in these United States that cannot be mentioned. This is a rage of a people who see, justifiably, everything that who they are and believe in is under attack by a tyrannical regime and its allies—a tyrannical regime that is everything that they are not; no heritage to be proud of except what has been concocted by the state, irreligious in the extreme, and valueless where lies, bribery and deceit are the order of the day.

The pundits inside the emerald city's beltway and the psuedo-intellectuals in the cloistered towers in New York are clueless over this anger. They don't talk to the regular folks in the cafes and Churches of 'flyover' country nor would they want to. They are smug and sure of themselves, seemingly secure in their ignorance and they have no clue of what is coming.

We are dealing with things visceral, not rational. And to confuse the two is extremely dangerous. The banning of the flag infuriates me and many others. I was raised here in the South and despite its failings I know it to be a good place—the best place in America to be born, live and die. My ancestors came to North America to be free; free from tyrants small and large; free to own their own few acres of land; free to worship and think as they chose without someone or some thing telling them what to do. When .gov wants to tell me what to do and how to think I loathe them.

A great many people loathe .gov.

Soon, the cultural marxists, neo-rascists, Southern culture haters and their useful idiots may be greatly surprised.

This anger, on the surface, is about race: illegal aliens, the Knock-Out game, flash riots and beat-downs, and the emerald city's protection of the perpetrators of these affronts to human decency. This anger and hostility has not come from the grassroots. It is the doing of the talking heads, the politicians, the 'thought leaders' and their perverted social policies. Because of the arrogance of these social and constitutional criminals the rancor is unlike anything I have ever seen in my studies of human history, psychology and politics.

Everyone wants a society where all are “created equal,” where the disadvantaged are helped, where justice is done. I do.

This is not what has happened. Forced hiring, not dissimilar to elections at the point of Yankee bayonets in Southern states during reconstruction, of the incompetent is a 'constitutional' right. One sees, hears, and reads of the endless accounts of blacks destroying shopping malls, burning cities, brutally attacking whites in gangs, and the giving of blacks anything that they want, not to actually make their lives any better, but because they want it and these giveaways will temporarily appease them. The race-hustlers don't like the Battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, why then it must go. Whatever the race-hustlers say. Sure thing Jesse and Al.

It is getting worse and it is far more than race. You and I are forced to live in a national sexual-freak show. Day after day the media are full of prancing peculiarities thrust in our faces demanding and demanding and demanding. People who dare not raise any objection to this insanity are sick of it.

I and no one that I know want to persecute these erotically baroque people. No one that I know of cares who sleeps with whom and how they do it. We are tired of their endless, tedious whining concerns. Just go with God. God bless and good Fortune, but go.

Violent crime is making a resurgence, courtesy of and protected by a president and an attorney general who we share absolutely no values with, who dislike regular folks in 'flyover' country, who want to disarm us and flood our country with hundreds of thousands of illegal and incompatible aliens.

I could go on about the de-Christianizing of America far beyond the “wall of separation” that Jefferson envisioned. Read a biography of our third president sometime. You will quickly see that he wanted to protect Religion from government not the reverse.

There is a quiet fury about open borders, forced acceptance of criminal aliens, the endless wars, the declining standard of living, the Orwellian censorship, federal bureaucrats telling people what to do, and the police state surveillance. The mandarins in the emerald city keep pushing and pushing and pushing, thinking that surely we will eventually kowtow to their supreme authority.

What if one day soon, you wake up and scream “I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore?”

The economy declines, people out of college can’t get jobs, the ghettoes simmer, automation surges across the board, and one day soon we will have cutbacks in the entitlements. When groups begin competing for dwindling resources, things will get ugly. It could explode. It really could. You might be surprised how many people out there think, “Bring it on.”
Tempus fugit

Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Jackson County Community Readiness Team Range Day

Saturday 18 July 2015 1600 hours (4:00 pm)– Moss Knob Shooting Range
Sighting in and Grouping
·        Firearms Safety – Cooper’s Four Rules
·        Gunshot First Aid
·        The Art of the Rifle: Introduction to basic marksmanship
Bring your rifle, your favorite ammo and eye/ear protection
Cold bottled water available
The J.C.C.R.T. is an organization of men and women who have  associated for the purpose of aiding and protecting the citizens of Jackson County in the event of a natural disaster or national crisis. Our membership is open to all races, creeds, religions. We have pledged to support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and North Carolina against all enemies foreign and domestic. Join us for your country, state, county, community  and family.
FaceBook: Jackson County Community Readiness Team or 828.508.7994

Unfortunately this is a Forest Service ‘fee area.’
Day passes are available at Tucks Gun Shop
and Caney Fork Grocery for $3.00
(annual passes available for $25.00)

Hwy 107 South to Speedwell Rd., turn right
Take detour on Parker Rd. and come back on Speedwell Rd.
Turn right on Tilley Ck. Rd.—Go up and over Cullowhee Gap
Turn left on Goodensville Mine Rd. SR 1522
Go aproximately 1 mile, take left on FR 323
Go aproximately 1 mile to Moss Knob Shooting Range

Folks, its about to get 'Sporty.'
You have been getting ready, right?

Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

“RESPECT” is Dispensed at the Business End of a Sword

one tyrant down, ??? to go
From silverdeth:
"Cultural respect is earned – not given.
The elites who own America only respect – also known as “fear” – cultures clutching their beliefs fervently enough to kill, destroy and\or disrupt the normal social order to advance them. Other, less dogmatic people, are nothing more than serfs – to be brushed aside with no fear of complications or retaliation. Surface nuisances to be disregarded and laughed at within the ranks of “proper company.”
If you and the members of your culture are unwilling to be uncivil – and (GASP) even extremely violent – in defense of your values, then you patently don’t hold them dearly – and your belief structure deserves to be ground underfoot by those willing to assert their will at the point of a sharp stick." more
Always remember tyrants, who is actually sovereign (hint: it isn't you!)
North Carolina militia training to repel the tyrant
From Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper's The Art of the Rifle,
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Folks, I've studied American, European, Middle Eastern, some Asian and lots of Classical History (had good teachers and an even better library left to me by my father). Throughout history, if you don't have a weapon (spear, bow, sword, rifle) and are willing to use it against a tyrant then you are a slave. Any takers?
Tempus fugit
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Monday, July 6, 2015

Bare Supermarket Shelves In Greece Should Be A Huge Wake Up Call To Millions Of Clueless Americans

From endoftheamericandream: "What you are watching unfold in Greece right now is eventually going to come to your own neighborhood.  Someday, people living all around you will be storming the supermarkets in a desperate attempt to secure the food and supplies that they neglected to store up when they had the chance.  Of course the Greeks never thought that it would happen to them either.  Their civilization had endured for thousands of years, and they were a part of the most powerful economic alliance on the face of the planet.  Most Greeks never imagined that they would be plunged into a multi-year economic depression that would ultimately lead to “bank holidays”, long lines at ATM machines, and people diving into dumpsters in a frantic search for something to sell.  And this is just the beginning of the chaos in Greece--things are going to get much, much worse for them." more
With an 18 Trillion debt that can NEVER be repaid and a fiscal gap (google it) that is in the hundreds of Trillions of dollars, and the Chinese working feverishly to establish a currency that will replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency do you still think that what is happening in Greece won't happen here? Believe it or not there are lots of people still who believe that the "county's just fine" and "the president will work things out." Won't they be surprised when America's economic 'melt down' happens? Won't these same people also be very hungry and desperate a few days after their food runs out and there's still no help from the 'guvmint'?
Patriots, the insanity with the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia, SCOTUS' rulings on homosexual marriage, obama care and all the rest of the distractions are exactly that--distractions.
Stay focused.
Tempus fugit
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Constitutional Ignorance and Dereliction

statue of militia Captain John Parker on Lexington Green. "If they want a war, let it start here."
Why the need for an armed citizenry is not obsolete.

From frontpagemag:  "The nation's demagogues and constitutionally ignorant are using the Charleston, South Carolina, AME church shooting to attack the Second Amendment's "right of the people to keep and bear Arms." A couple of years ago, President Barack Obama said, "I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations." That's a vision shared by many Americans, namely that the Constitution's framers gave us the Second Amendment to protect our rights to go deer and duck hunting, do a bit of skeet shooting, and protect ourselves against criminals. That this vision is so widely held reflects the failure of gun rights advocates, such as the NRA and Gun Owners of America, to educate the American people. The following are some statements by the Founding Fathers. You tell me which one of them suggests that they gave us the Second Amendment for deer and duck hunting and protection against criminals." more 

You and I know what consequences the liar-in-chief  must experience for the damage he's caused America, for the devisiveness he's caused, for the too numerous to count constitutional atrocities he's directly participated in. He will be the primary proximate cause for the pain and death of millions that will occur in the near future in what was once these United States. Prozis, you brought it on yourselves. Enjoy the final act. It will be your last.

Tempus fugit

Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Random Thoughts About the Possibility of a Second Civil War

From thetruthaboutguns: "I believe the fight over gun rights will be the flashpoint. At some point, most likely (but not necessarily) following a series of terrorist attacks, Big Government will move to “win” the gun rights battle. To establish its authority once and for all. The Bundy Ranch confrontation foreshadows that fateful day. As does Waco and Ruby Ridge and the internment of Japanese Americans." more
Do you think? Farago misterms his article. It actually should be "Random Thoughts About the Possibility of a Third American Revolution." Although most won't care when the shooting starts. That's for the Historians later, much later to argue about. Of course a lot of people have been holding their breath over the church burnings that have been allegedly happening recently, just waiting for the demagogue-in-chief to make some anti-Freedom move.  The only thing that has been holding Soetero, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharp ton and other cultural marxists/race hustlers back is the fact that private structures (houses and churches) burn all the time. As of 2 July 2015 the only alleged cause for one church that has burned is that it was struck by lightening. Happens much more than you would think. No, what the race hustlers are waiting for is some more people to get murdered by some mentally ill person (preferably Caucasian) in a a victim ('gun free') zone--best that it will be a 'black' church and a former cog in the 'underground railroad.' When something horrific such as that happens the regime 'leader' will do a 'presidential directive', which doesn't have to be grounded in any law, doesn't have to be published in the Congressional Record and the contents can remain secret (eyes only--need to know) from you and I. Sounds surreal, you know Orwellian, well it is and that's where we are now; I've been writing about the regime anti-Freedom 'chess moves' for well over a year now and we're close to the bottom of the abyss of the Interregnum, but not quite there yet. You'll know we're almost there when we start into a hyper-inflationary death spiral, the lines form at the banks/ATMs and the major metrolpolitan areas start seeing food riots and check points, ostensibly to guard against 'terrorist' (actually Patriot insurgency) activity. Oh, and the regime HIT (home invasion team) squads will be no-knockin' anti-regime (Patriot) types homes and businesses. The Rule of Man. Its here. And away we go!
Tempus fugit
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine