Sunday, November 30, 2014

Oath Keepers and Home Grown Militias Protect Ferguson MO

Anonymous Oath Keeper stands guard on roof of business in Ferguson MO
Oath Keepers, a national Second Amendment organization made up of many military veterans protected businesses in parts of Ferguson MO; at least until the St. Louis county Sheriff's Department asked them to leave.
From St. Louis today: FERGUSON • Following a night of arson fires and bashed storefronts that hit close to home, Greg Hildebrand stood naked Tuesday, drying off from a needed shower, when he noticed somebody on the rooftop.
“I opened the window and said, ‘Hey, can I help you?’” said Hildebrand, 35, a website developer.
The man said he was security and would be up there at night with others to protect the pocket of second-story apartments and lower-level storefronts near the Ferguson Police Department. A day earlier, rioters had broken out windows below Hildebrand’s apartment in the 100 block of South Florissant Road and torched a nearby beauty supply store.
“I am in the middle of a difficult spot,” Hildebrand said. “I feel a lot better having those guys up on the roof.” more

Missouri Army National Guard patrolling streets of Ferguson under limited rules of engagement (ROE)
 Guard Encounters Armed Blacks with Guns in Ferguson — Cooperation Ensues


 Some National Guardsmen patrolling the wreckage of Ferguson, Missouri came on a remarkable, and alarming, sight: black men with guns, their leader a 6’8″ giant cradling an AR-15. They stood in the forecourt of a Conoco gas station, a building that rose, unmolested, like a meth addict’s last solitary tooth in a micro Hiroshima landscape of boarded-up, or, worse, looted and burned, small businesses. 

This was a building that did not burn, despite containing fuel enough to delight the nihilistic rioters. It wasn’t just standing, it was open. The Guard soldiers demanded that the men put their guns down, and were actually starting to cuff them, when the owner of the station emerged. Doug Merello is a second-generation owner of the station, and even though he’s white, he and his shop’s neighbors, just about all black, had always been friendly. They were his customers, and the neighbors were where he turned for his workers, too. more

U.S. soldiers fighting the Islamo-fascists in Iraq
I don't think anyone really cares what the color of man's skin is, especially in a life-and-death situation. I don't. What matters is is that man (or woman) who is carrying a rifle and helping you to protect your home and loved ones or business is engaging in the rule of law and civility. That's one of the many higher Truths that Thomas Jefferson was talking about in the Declaration of Independence.
If you don't understand what Oath Keepers, Tea Partiers, and Constitutionalists are talking about when they talk about the 'rule of law' and 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' then read the Document.
If you don't agree with what the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights say then you have a problem. What part of the phrase "free men" and "Natural Rights" don't you understand?
Tories being sent back to England after First American Revolution
Either get with the program or get the hell out of my country. It's as simple as that.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises coming soon complete with plague, pestilence, race riots (right now!) and ISIL terrorist attacks and eventual Chinese invasion.

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