Thursday, January 7, 2016

Not Yours To Take!

from wordaroundthenet:
"One of the toughest parts about freedom is that it necessarily means that you have to put up with things you do not like, or do without things you might prefer.  For example, in Texas, they have very loose zoning laws, so that you can have a neighborhood of homes right next to an amusement park.  Loud, bright lights, lots of traffic, but people are free to do that if they choose."
..."Every small liberty surrendered to the government means it is hungry for more, spreading like oil on water, until it covers everything." more

The federal government did NOT take this land from the aboriginals living in North America when the Europeans first landed. The feds took the land (and our Freedoms) unconstitutionally from the sovereign states and We the People. The regime has breeched the contract (Constitution) with We the People multiple times since 1789.

We are living under a criminal 'government.'

Put in this perspective it doesn't matter the way that Ammon Bundy and his small band of Patriots are behaving by occupying the buildings on the wildlife refuge that the socialist teddy roosevelt decreed in 1908 near Burns Oregon. What matters is the BIG picture. How would you feel if the regime took your land, your livelihood, your birthright because the land or the creatures on it were 'pretty'?
If you can't understand what Chris Taylor is saying about Freedom and Responsibility and Virtue then how do your chains weigh upon your shoulders? Are you ready to be 'devoured' or are you ready for Freedom? Its coming whether you like it or not.
Tempus fugit

Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
 "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine

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