Sunday, February 15, 2015

Life in the Breakdown Lane

From kunstler:
"We succeeded in turning a marginally-bankrupt, marginally-independent nation into a complete basketcase that is going Dark Age as I write — no money, no work, no fuel, no heat, no food, no prospects. Having completely botched the operation, and misplayed the game against Russia’s Putin — and Russia’s legitimate interest in a stable next-door neighbor — the US will now abandon Ukraine. It will be forgotten as surely as the US-sponsored Ukrainian air force’s role in the crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 — the incriminating details of which were buried by the Dutch investigating officials. Eventually, the Russians will have to care for the dying Ukraine. They will not be enthusiastic about it. They will do little and do it slowly."here

and cluborlov's take on the world pseudo-financials and U.S. instigation of the Ukrainian 'coup' (and lots more!). "The Imperial Collapse Playbook" here
Instead of leaving Putin alone in his sphere of influence all we've done is to 'bait the bear.' This has already driven Putin and his gang (every country has a gang of oligarchs doesn't it?) into the camp of the Chinese and their gang. Guess which country has the largest (increasing as we speak) reserve of gold bullion in the world? Guess which country just might force a change in the world's reserve currency system very soon?
Class, can you say "Blowback?"
What's your plan for suviving this both economically and physically? You do have one don't you?
Tempus fugit

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

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