Washington state "We Will Not Comply" on the steps of capitol in Olympia in January 2015 |
Support these people. The fascist billionaire Bloomberg and his useful idiots will
target you next.
From patrickhenrysociety:
Lange | Feb 6, 2015 |
Battle for Washington State |
One of the most important rights as citizens in a Constitutional
Republic is the right to call upon the government for redress of
grievances. Unfortunately, We the People are all too familiar with
so-called lawmakers who not only ignore the will of the people, but
actively work against it. We see this in Washington State as well as
other states throughout the country, as legislators continuously pass
law after law that directly infringes upon those rights that are
outlined as being off-limits to government control.
Regardless of whether our elected officials wish to acknowledge it
or not, We the People retain this right to redress, and we present
this list of grievances to the Governor of the State of Washington,
and demand that they be rectified. As the Washington State
Constitution makes clear, all political power resides with the
people. As such, We the People demand that our rights be secured and
maintained, as the Constitution calls for—not infringed upon and
While these grievances are not solely done at the state level, if
the state allows the infringement of rights by the federal
government, then the state is also guilty of the same violation.
At the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the founders
outlined a list of grievances against King George III. They, too,
demanded redress, and were met with the same contempt that many
legislators show the people today. We the People, as the holders of
political power in the State of Washington and the United States of
America, demand that we be heard, and that the following
infringements cease immediately:
1. Militarizing police and SWAT Teams
2. Stockpiling of Ammunition while Limiting the Rights of Citizens
to Purchase Ammunition
3. Distributing License Plate Readers meant to track the movement
of law-abiding citizens.
4. Tracking Cell-Phones with Stingray Devices
5. Turning Cell-Phones into Roving Listening Devices
6. Creating Longitudinal Databases to Track Citizens from Birth to
8. Carrying Out Military Drills and Lockdowns in American Cities
9. Tracking People via Facial Recognition
10. Using the TSA to Create Databases of “Suspect Citizens”
11. Carrying out Soft Target Checkpoints
12. Directing Government Workers to Spy on Americans
13. Suspending Habeas Corpus in a Time of Peace with NDAA
14. Using Drones to Spy on Citizens and Map Their Property
15. Directing Government Workers to Spy on Americans and Create
Linkage Charts of Patriotic Americans
16. Conducting Widespread Spying Networks Using Fusion Centers and
Listing Americans as “Terrorists” Without Trial
17. Carrying Out Constitution-Free Border Control Searches
18. Funding City-Wide Surveillance Cameras
19. The State governor demanding that the Washington State Patrol
violate their own oath to the Constitution by authorizing them to
suppress the people’s right to the First and Second Amendments
through threats of arrest and force.
20. The State Legislature unlawfully and deceitfully reclassifying
firearms as “props”.
21. The state legislature arbitrarily denying the right of a group
of adults, based on their age, from viewing their government
proceedings if they choose to exercise their Second Amendment right.
22. The state legislature continuing to allow the federal
government to illegally lay claim to and hold lands belonging to the
people of the state of Washington.
23. Infringement upon the unalienable basic right to self-defense
of the people through unjust laws that violate not only the federal
and state Constitution but natural law.
24. Taxation without representation, through unlawful and
unnecessary taxes and fees charged for the exercise of rights, and
the repeated refusal of the state legislature to hear and act in
accordance with the will of the people and the Constitution that
binds their power.
25. The passing of rules in secret by the State House, State
Senate, Speaker pro tempore, and the Lieutenant Governor, that
directly violate the rules of the people.
26. The abuse of power by elected officials such as (but not
limited to) Rep. Laurie Jinkins and Rep. Jim Moeller, who have used
their positions to exert control over the people and deny them their
27. The allowance of judges to legislate from the bench that a
police officer’s ignorance of the law is grounds for the violation
of the People’s rights.
Regardless of inconvenience, the legislature and the Governor
cannot violate the rights of the People, and must adhere to their
oath. It is imperative that the state government understand that it
must operate within the limits of the state and the federal
Constitution, and as such, must secure and maintain the rights of the
people without question and without infringement. Instead, the
legislature has made its own rules and used the force of the state to
enforce those rules, which is in and of itself a threat of violence
against the People. This is unacceptable.
We seek no violence and do not condone the use of force outside of
the blueprint outlined by the Founders. We do, however, seek redress
and remind the Governor of his own oath, found in RCW 43.01.020:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the
United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of
Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
office of Governor to the best of my ability.”
These continued infringements and assaults upon the rights of the
people—or the refusal to stop those abuses by legislators and
government officials—constitute a blatant and gross violation of
that oath. We call upon the Governor of the State of Washington
to cease infringement upon the People’s rights and uphold his
solemn promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States and
that of our state.
We will not comply. We stand.
Captain John Parker and the Lexington militia on Lexington village green 19 April 1775-240 years ago |
Once freedom of speech is gone you are a slave.
What is so called 'politically correctness' but an abridgement of speech?
Once free elections are gone you are a slave.
In February of 1801 Thomas McKean, Governor of Pennsylvania, James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, and Thomas Jefferson, President elect of these United States were
ready to go to war because the House of Representatives, which had a majority of Federalists, could have suspended the constitutional government by invoking a 1792 statute to swear the president pro tempore of the Senate until John Adams left office in March.
To do so would have abridged the freedom of the elections of 1800.
Once freedom of arms is gone you are a slave.
The victims of Mao Tse-tung, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot weren't able to resist the tyrants who had placed themselves over the populace because all firearms were registered and then confiscated. Those peoples' 'legal' government murdered them. That is called democide.
The good people of Washington state have a choice--submit to the tyrant and become a slave or resist.
Soon you will also have a choice.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!