From American Thinker: "
The pace of island-building in China’s so-called “Blue Territories” is frenetic. Janes has reported that
the island at Fiery Cross Reef is now 3,000 metres long. There are five
dredges going at once to dig out the harbour and provide material for
the island-building. So Fiery Cross Reef will be the site of an airfield
which can enforce an ADIZ over the southern end of China’s claim to the
South China Sea. Page 248 of the recent Report to Congress of the
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission has the following map
of current Chinese base-building in the South China Sea"more
tactical Chinese preparations in the south China Sea |
Fourteen years ago I made a comment in the breakroom of where I was working that I believed that eventually we would go to war with China. Of course some PC willy-nilly got their panties in a bunch and complained to a manager.
Unfortunately, under these sad state of affairs that the pResident has maneuvered us into with his astounding incompetence I would rather NOT say "I told you so." But here we are less than a decade-and-a-half later.
My belief is that the Chinese are taking advantage of our (the U.S.) weakness and will, within the next five years attack and overwhelm Taiwan and embargo Japan to starve them into submission.
Strategically, the Chinese see the continent of Africa and its strategic minerals and resources as the 'low hanging fruit' and will invade there before they attempt to invade North America--I hope and pray.
Remember. The Chinese don't think in decades--they think and plan in centuries.
You have thought about this little 'wrinkle' in our relations with the People's Republic of China and what it could possibly mean for day-to-life on the home front haven't you?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises coming
soon complete with plague, pestilence, race riots (right now!) and ISIL terrorist
attacks and eventual Chinese invasion.
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