Monday, September 29, 2014

The 'issue' is Never the issue

Fracking gas well v. traditional gas well--both are thousands of feet below drinking water supplies
With the Saul Alinsky 'progressives' the stated 'issue' is never the issue. Consider the the numerous falsehoods that they have brayed concerning hydraulic fracturing in WNC and North Carolina in general. None of these letters or public comments have contained the slightest shred of scientific evidence whatsoever. There have been no scientific studies 'documenting' any of the 'sky is falling' claims made by anyone. Contrary to these uninformed falsehoods I know of one study recently published by a researcher at Ohio State University where he found that it was highly unlikely for fluids from the hydraulic fracturing process to migrate upwards through thousands of feet of solid rock to co-mingle with drinking water supplies. With the 'progressives' the stated 'issue' is never the issue.
Kay Hagan has always stood with Obama on implementing his socialist agenda
 The 'progressive' agenda has committed atrocities against all Americans—black, brown, red, yellow, and white; atrocities that have all but destroyed America economically, socially, and militarily. Atrocities of lies such as (but not limited to) “if you like your health insurance you can keep it.” With the 'progressives' the stated 'issue' is never the issue.
Ask the 'Progressive' candidates for local, state, and federal offices these questions:
Why should we allow illegal aliens into the United States to become registered 'progressives' and throw even more black and white Americans out work? 

Illegal aliens crossing U.S. border to become democrats and get supported by you and I
 There is already a “clear path” to citizenship. Use it. Why is it okay to lie and break the law to enact and implement Obama care? 

Obama and Pelosi celebrating the destruction of the best health care system in the world
 If the current occupant of the oval office wants to change the bad law that he had his proxies ram through (“pass it to know what's in it”) congress then he should have gone back to congress for changes in the law. Why is it okay to kill babies that are outside their mother's bodies? It's called 'partial birth' abortion. Why, despite the express stated intentions of the founders do 'progressives' treat individual liberty and all five clauses of the First Amendment as obsolete? 

'Free Speech' area in Bunkerville Nevada-March 2014
 There is a no such thing as a gated and signed 'free speech zone despite progressives believing so. 'Free speech' is constitutional in all of America. Why can the National Security Agency spy on you and I and the Jackson County School Board spy on our children? The NSA using the 'patriot act' and the school board spying on our children via Face Book are similarly wrong and unconstitutional.
Brian McMahan worried that he'll be caught lying--again
 And make sure that you ask the 'common sense' candidate for Jackson County commission chairman why he used taxpayer monies in the summer of 2010 for a double occupancy room holiday in Washington D.C. I learned this myself from documents provided by the county finance office through open records requests. I published these documents on the Internet. When asked about his behavior by myself in a public forum he was unable to respond coherently beyond shouting something about a “commissioners conference” which was only a half-truth. May I remind you that a half-truth is a lie. I have the recording and the documents. This was one of the reasons why he was turned out by the voters in 2010.
The stated political 'issue' is never the issue. The issue is always the 'immorality' of those who oppose the 'progressive' Utopian (no place) idea of 'social justice'. The issue is always about seizing power to enslave people just like you. Which side are you on?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

'Conservative' bear eats prozi Rutgers student

Ursus Americanus-American black bear
Darsh Patel and his buddies were hiking in the North New Jersey West Milford nature preserve Sunday when they suddenly encountered a black bear. Everybody 'bomb burst' (ran in different directions). Bad move. The bear caught, attacked, mauled, and killed Darsh, then ate him.
Darsh was the second Ruters student to die on Sunday. The other student died of alcohol poisoning.
Obviously, Darsh didn't outrun his buddies. Instead he won the Darwin Award.
“Four legs good, two legs baaaaad.”
S&W .44 Magnum 'Alaskan' at bottom
Betcha his friends wish that they had one of these Sunday

U.S. Airstrikes on ISIL Positions

Impressive display of U.S. precision airstrike capability and what it could mean for Iran.
BTW. The Israelis could probably do this also.
P.S. If the Israelis did something like this on one of Iran's nuke facilities what is the likelihood of a Muslim nuke retaliation on Tel Aviv?
You do remember that Muslims (Arabs) and Jews  don't like each other.
You do remember that one of the American 'journalists' who was beheaded by the Islamo-fascists of ISIL was Jewish.
My recommendations are a spiritual and a material plan.
Tempus fugit

Patriots; Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises now)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Commissioners Debate

Elders, Cody, Debnam; three of the sitting county commissioners
Last night's debate at SCCs Burrell building was an interesting mix of individual styles.
The candidates, both incumbents and challengers were often closer on the issues than you might expect. I'll get back to this later.

Boyce Deitz, Democratic candidate for district two commissioner
 Probably the best individual performance from an emotional appeal standpoint was Boyce Deitz.  Deitz has many years of experience of communicating, facilitating, and inspiring young men to perform excellently on the gridiron. Deitz also has political experience from working as a local aide for Heath Shuler. Deitz is a self-professed conservative.
Joe Ward, Democratic candidate for district one commissioner
Joe Ward, a farmer over in Wilmont, is a Democratic stalwart of many years, yet a newcomer to running for office. He farms and raises cattle. Ward is also a self-professed conservative.

Brian McMahan, works as private policeman for the Balsam Mountain Preserve. He has been commission chair before (2006 - 2010). He would give anything to be commission chair again and it shows as in the four years since he was turned out by the voters he has practiced his delivery. He is also being groomed by the Democratic party to run in the future for congress.

Charles Elders, district one commissioner
Charles Elders  was on the commission a number of years ago here in Jackson County. Because of voter anger Elders was convinced to run again for another term of district one commissioner. He owns at least two businesses in Jackson County.  He leans compassionate conservative in his political philosophy.
Doug Cody, district two commissioner and commission vice chairman
Doug Cody is a political newcomer (first term on the commission). He is the intellectual on the commission (knows his facts and figures) and cares what happens to the average voter. Unfortunately his personal style doesn't show it until you get to know him.

Jack Debnam, chairman county commissioners
Jack Debnam moved to WNC over 25 years ago from the Piedmont of North Carolina. He is unaffiliated with either the Democrats or Republicans. He reminded people last night that he had voted with both Republicans and Democrats on the commssion "95% of the time." One-on-one he is an excellent communicator, while before a crowd not so much. Although Debnam's rhetoric (smoothness and persuasiveness) can sometimes surprise you.

As I mentioned earlier, the incumbents and the challengers (with one exception) are actually much closer in their core beliefs then you would expect. The short answer is that both Deitz and Ward, both self-professed conservatives, are old-time Democrats. Their political leanings go back to the 19th century. The Democratic party as we know it in 2014 left them behind and out in the cold a long time ago. Brian McMahan is of a different stripe. He is a political opportunist. He will do and say anything for power. He is not to be trusted.
The three incumbents, Elders, Cody, and Debnam are all conservative to one degree or another. I doubt that they have aspirations for higher office. They can be trusted, but like any political office holders it pays to remind them from time-to-time of who they serve and why keeping them "honest, open, accountable, and constitutional."
All this of course is only my  qualified opinion having been a political observer for a number of years of national, state, and local politics.