Mike Vanderboegh speaking behind enemy lines in Olympia WA 13 December, 2014 |
"Mike Vanderboegh speaks as
opponents of a Washington State law requiring mandatory background
checks on all guns sales gather on the grounds of the State Capitol
in Olympia. The law, known as Initiative 594, was passed by voters in
November. (Joshua Trujillo, seattlepi.com)"
From Sipsey Street Irregulars:
"So I want to tell you, welcome to the resistance behind
enemy lines. I bring you greetings from your fellow resistance
fighters in CT, NY, MD and CO. Look around you. What you see are
fellow soldiers of the army of the American Republic in mobilization
against a tyranny that the Founders themselves warned us about – a
tyranny that their diligent study of history told them would one day
come. Despite their best efforts and plans THAT DAY IS HERE. But so,
as they expected, YOU ARE HERE AS WELL in answer to their ghostly
call across the centuries. You are here." more
I heard this man speak in April of 2010 at Gravely Point Park (NPS) in Virginia on the Potomac river in April (19th) of 2010. I also heard him speak at Guildford Courthouse National Millitary Park (NPS) in North Carolina in August of 2010. For an 'amateur,' the man knows American History. He knows what it will take to win back our Creator given Freedom.
armed Bill of Rights supporters rally against I-594 |
Saturday Vanderboegh spoke to an estimated crowd of 2,000 strong of Bill of Rights supporters in front of the Washington state capitol. Many in the crowd were armed with rifles.
armed Bill of Rights supporters at state capitol, Olympia WA Saturday |
"We will not fire the first shot,
but if needs be we WILL fire the last."
Mike Vanderboegh, 14 December, 2014
Olympia Washington
Responding to enemies foreign and domestic, whether the Islamo-fascists or the communist-tyrants among us--the enemies within the gates, that is our job in the second decade of the 21st century; ask the six million Jews and the nine million other 'undesirables' who were murdered (democide) by the Nazis, freedom is NEVER free. It is ALWAYS paid for in BLOOD.
"These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the
sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his
country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of
man and woman"
Thomas Paine
Regardless of who, what, or where you
are; regardless of your ability (because of age, infirmity, or
training) or means; A true Patriot must resist by any means
necessary and urge others to do so also.
Which side are you on?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises coming
soon complete with plague, pestilence, race riots (right now!) and ISIL terrorist
attacks and eventual Chinese invasion.