If you were an evil dictator, would you mess with this man?
from Fred on everything:
"Having recognized that the country is calling on me to restore order
and common sense, and that my election as dictator is the last hope of
Western Civilization, I hereby throw my sombrero into the ring. Below is
a compact summary of the wise and forward-looking policies which will
characterize my reign. Interposed are thrilling slogans that will throw
you into an electoral frenzy.
Social Policy: On the day of my coronation, I will
undertake a sweeping reform of society, beginning with radical
feminists. We will hunt them with dogs. I will save a few and chain them
in the Great Dismal Swamp, where they will poison the mosquitoes,
allowing civilized people to catch catfish in comfort."
I believe that Fred would be the perfect choice for dictator don't you?
Unfortunately, America doesn't choose our tyrants very
thoughtfully. Well, actually there was no thought involved in the 'choice' of the last two presidential elections. Look at what we're stuck with until January of '17. He's already pulled us over the edge of the end-of-civilization precipice and we're hurtling toward the bottom of the abyss. These are the 'good old days' folks. Don't believe me? You've got a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food in your belly and 'reality' tee vee don't you?
Not for long.
Are you not entertained?
Tempus fugit
Free America!
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine