Sunday, March 29, 2015

What Really Happened to Harry Reid?

Harry Reid 'fell' while exercising New Year's Day. Last week Reid announced he would not run for reelection
John Hinderaker asks the question:
"Scott wrote here about Harry Reid’s announcement that he will not run for re-election, a decision which, Reid was quick to say, was not the result of his “elastic exercise band” accident. In January, I wrote OK, So What Really Happened to Harry Reid? I noted the injuries that Reid suffered on New Year’s Day, in Las Vegas: multiple broken bones around his right eye, damage to the right eye, severe facial bruising, broken ribs, and a concussion. Was all of this really the result of losing his balance because an elastic exercise band broke? That seems unlikely, to say the least.' more
Getting threatened and beaten up (or worse) is an occupational hazard when you're a criminal cavorting amongst other criminals. Reid and his sons (he has four of them) are all lawyers and they have all benefited from sweetheart land and business deals due to Reid's position in the senate. Last year's stand-off between the BLM and Cliven Bundy in Bunkerille was all about Reid's oldest son using the land that Bundy was running cattle on to 'give' (for a price) to a Chi-Comm solar energy company to build a solar panel farm on.
This is only one of the many criminal conspiracies that members of this administration have been involved in. Yet despite the evidence from dozens of scandals the criminal-in-chief seemingly enjoys popular support--probably because of the many 'free' 'entitlements' that he's given and continues to give away.
Two questions:
Guess who is paying?
How much longer do you really think the 'party' can go on?
The Course of Empire, Thomas Cole 1836
You have thought of what you're going to do when the grid collapses and there's a total Failure of Civility haven't you?
Holing up in your 'little house in the woods' with a 'sniper' rifle is not a plan for success and neither is attempting to loot from your neighbors. Sooner or later you will either be shot or hanged.
Got tribe?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

The case for the Army to fly A-10s

A-10 "Warthog"
A thoughtful piece from American Mercenary:
"A well reasoned argument looks at both sides of any given argument then chooses the one that best fits reality. Solomon asked me to explain why the Army shouldn't fly A-10s, and my argument boiled down to I didn't want an air arm in the Army that could gut the ground force like the USMC is experiencing.

But it would be mentally dishonest of me to not go back and look at why the Army shouldn't be flying A-10 warthogs to provide CAS to itself. You cannot be objective unless you understand the argument from both sides". more
Apaches, AC-130s and Warthogs will probably be used in CONUS in the near future against you-know-who.  It behooves us to know everything we can about the capabilities of the platforms.
Sun Tzu said it best:
" If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles."

Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Black Lies Matter

race pimps
Truth. To. Power.
From taxidepressions:
"I did not want to give Ferguson and Fat Albert Garner in Staten Island a single molecule of oxygen, but we had some protesters a few weekends ago in my town, obstructing traffic and marching through the streets, chanting “Black lives matter” and “I can’t breathe” and “Hands up-don’t shoot”, and it really is aggravating. I don’t know who these five or six-dozen people think they are winning over by causing massive traffic backups and disrupting peoples’ dinners at the street cafes and restaurants downtown. I am just infuriated by the lies, and so many people being hurt by them. The bile and hatred on Twitter over this shit is horrendous… I’ve never seen anything like it. Racial relations in this country are in a terrible ebb tide, much degraded from just twenty years ago.
Black Americans, you have got to snap out of this. You have to stop listening to the media and the racial grievance industry. This shit is simply not true. If you believe these memes, there are only two possibilities: you are ignorant of the facts and too lazy or too stupid to go find those facts, or you are a knowing and willing co-conspirator in perpetrating this hoax. You are a chump, or an asshole, and quite possibly both." more
The 'great divider' and his minions (eric holder, et alii) have pushed us, as a country and a society into this state of 'divided we fall.' They (the pResident and the fascist oligarchs) behind him want this to happen.
Why? Three guesses and the first two don't count.
Tick tock
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

RUBY TAIL--Get Some!

From westernrifleshooters:
"With .mil PR efforts like this doomed to fail due to the inconvenient truth that the CinC is a racist raised-by-Commies America-hater who couldn’t pass a legitimate background check, a reader sends the following modest proposal:
Apparently the US Military believes it needs training to be ready and able to counter an incipient insurgency in the USA or elsewhere. They have, therefore, determined to have an extensive military exercise this summer to test and enhance their readiness. Operation “Jade Helm”, which has been written about in the alternative press extensively, is planned to cover a dozen Western and Southern states, to include members of elite units from several branches of service, and to provide practice in coordinating with local officials.
Apparently anti-insurgent tactics such as infiltration, observation, targeting, and snatch-and-grab operations are to be practiced as part of this exercise.
A modest proposal: patriots of all sorts actively assist our Army by running our own exercises, supported by citizen activists and patriot groups, including three percent militias, that coincide with “Jade Helm” in time and place. Term this loosely organized group: “FreeFor” We name our exercise “Ruby Tail”. more
You could do your part by joining this FTX to get ready for the real 'North American live-fire exercises' coming soon to your area of interest (AI)--get some!
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Friday, March 27, 2015

An Intelligence Mission You Can Start Today

Intelligence Drives the Fight. What you see and hear--report it!
From guerrillaamerica:
"The military has Intelligence collectors that are involved in active collection.  But if that’s the only information the Army relied on, they’d only be seeing several pieces of the Intelligence pie.  The irony of Intelligence collection is that line units out on patrol are generally the first to collect threat intelligence information and are also the first ones to use it.  So in addition to combat skills, soldiers also need to be aware of changes in their operating environment — that’s passive intelligence collection and it’s extremely vital to the security of organizations under threat." more
SALUTE report below. Any questions?
Tempus fugit

Patriots, Your Intelligence of the Battle Space is Crucial!
The intelligence that you provide will help us win.
Please do not courier hard copies! (They are easier to find in a search and can carry fingerprints or DNA traces.) Instead, put it on an unmarked USB memory stick (“thumb drive”) with the date of your report included in the file name and then use hand sanitizer or oil to wipe off your fingerprints. (After that, handle the USB sticks only with gloves.)
How to send intelligence reports: Use SALUTE or 5Ws formats:
Size (Platoon? Battalion? # of vehicles, # of persons.)
Activity (Convoy, checkpoint, patrol, cordon, training, interrogation, relocating/evacuating citizens, etc.)
Location (GPS/grid coord., address, road name/#, direction, proximity to landmarks, nearest town, et.)
Unit (Domestic/foreign, police, military, branch, guard/reserve, unit designation, civ supt, volunteer, uniform, vehicle stenciled bumper numbers or license plate numbers, etc.)
Time & duration (Time/date group: Yf mo date 24-hr-time e.g., 20131117 0930 Mtn/Pcfc/Zulu/etc.)
Equipment (Weapons, equipment, supplies, vehicles, armor, etc.)
(Who are you [code name]? Did you witness this yourself? Who did? Is this person credible/reliable? Who did you speak with? Who told you this? Did you get his/her contact information?
(What happened? What did you see? What did you hear? What did they say to you? What was the end result? [CREATE A TIMELINE, in chronological sequence].)
(Same as L [Location] in the SALUTE report. Where did this happen/is this located? What dcirection? Location of first and last observation? Be as precise as possible.)
(Same as T [Time] in the SALUTE report. Time/date and duration.)
(Explanation given for activity [yours & theirs], if any. Why were you there and why did you have access to this event/information?[Passerby, observed, participated, solicited, coerced, detained, etc.])
How/How Many
(How do you know? How did they treat you? How did you react? How many were carrying out this activity? How many people, rucks, tents, crates, trailers, antennas, backpacks, etc.)
All files should be in standard formats, such as .doc, .rtf, .jpg, or .wav.
Lastly, without compromising sources and methods or your own identity, give an honest written summary of the reliability of your source and rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. 1, being not reliable and 10 being very reliable.
INCLUDE DOCUMENTATION: Photos, sketches, maps, copies of documents, videos, audio interviews, radio intercepts, or interview transcripts/notes. SCAN THEM and put them on the USB stick with a related file name and matching dates. Each piece of documentation should be accompanied by a description with basic 5Ws/How (or SALUTE) information. Audio files should be in .WAV file format.

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Collecting 'Metadata' is still Police State Surveillance

Americans under surveillance by the NSA and other 'alphabet' agencies
From "Governments and corporations gather, store, and analyze the tremendous amount of data we chuff out as we move through our digitized lives. Often this is without our knowledge, and typically without our consent. Based on this data, they draw conclusions about us that we might disagree with or object to, and that can impact our lives in profound ways. We may not like to admit it, but we are under mass surveillance"
"As former NSA General Counsel Stewart Baker said: “Metadata absolutely tells you everything about somebody’s life. If you have enough metadata you don’t really need content.” In 2014, former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden remarked: “We kill people based on metadata.” more
 The regime already has enough data to kill you with.
So what. You started to die the minute that you were born.
Now that you know that they know what are you going to do about it?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Wolves don't lose sleep

Think your masters in the emerald city on the Potomac worry about you?
Don't count on it.
They know what's coming.
Do you?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Blonde and AK--What a Pair!

I love AKs. Don't you?
Get yours soon.
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

We'll take what she gives and damn well like it!

Can we finally, finally be done with the Clinton's?
From the National Review:
"As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton schemed to subvert record-keeping and transparency rules for reasons that are probably more or less communicated by her surname: The Clintons are creeps and liars and scoundrels and misfits, always have been, always will be. They are the penicillin-resistant syphilis of American politics. The Democrats’ response to Herself’s trouble has taken three main forms: 1) What she did wasn’t technically illegal, say David Brock and other slavish Clinton retainers, even hauling out that old Al Gore classic, “no controlling legal authority”; 2) What about Scott Walker, huh? say the Democratic-party operators, pointing out that as a county executive Walker also used a private email system — and, to be honest, Walker’s response to the terrorist assault on Milwaukee County’s consulate in Benghazi has never been explained to my satisfaction; and 3) the president repeats his favorite mantra: Wuddint me!" more
Maybe, just maybe, some crime that Bill and Hilary commit (and are caught doing); some crime that you or I would receive the death penalty for, might, just might send them to prison for a few years? It's not too much to hope for is it? Of course there's always the 100 Heads Life and Casualty payoff--when the schumer hits the fan. Just sayin'
Sooner, rather than later, all dysfunctional systems collapse of their own weight.
You do know that don't you?
Tempus fugit
Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

They Thought They Were Free – The Germans, 1933-45

From westernrifleshooters:
A series of small steps leads to and over the precipice and into the abyss. "The horror. The horror."
“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it." more
Read it all.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? It does to me. Think he's going to stop with M855?
Whatcha gonna do; comply, join the resistance, or leave the country?
History and your children are waiting for your choice.
Tempus fugit

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!