Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Smiley admits the truth!

Obama supporter, Tavis Smiley, recently admitted the truth, saying , “The data is going to indicate, sadly, that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. At some point, this group may realize that this man is not good for them. At some point, reality may overpower the imagined significance of half-blackness."

Folks, if you haven't figured it out by now, to bho, otherwise known as the "clown-in-chief,"  its not about the color of your skin. His agenda is simply enslavement of all Americans.

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises now)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nonessential means unnecessary

NPS uniformed thug turning away visitors to NCs Pisgah Inn in early October
During the shutdown theater created by the whitehouse earlier this month NPS uniformed thugs turned away patrons from businesses on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Of course this was patently illegal and of course the neo-communist media and their supporters made not a peep against their Marxist idol who was responsible for threatening the American people.
A few days ago Alan Justus, a useful idiot residing in Hendersonville, NC made a plea in the Asheville Citizen-Times that just because his master in washington d.c called the furloughed regime workers "nonessential" it didn't mean that they were "unnecessary." Here's Justus' letter.
Obviously, Justus is incapable of sound, rational thought.
Yours truly obliterated Justus' feeble attempt at persuading anyone (except other low-information regressives) as follows:
Nonessential does mean unnecessary

"Analogies are always suspect, therefore cogent, trained debaters never use them. They know that if you use an analogy your argument is flawed and fails.

I'm sure that the low-information, regressive writer from Hendersonville would dearly love for oath-breaking greenshirts (read any jack booted-thugs) to shut down the business that he works for on orders from the whitehouse. And this because nonessential recipients of the citizen's dole have been furloughed on a pre-holiday vacation. Forget the Bill of Rights; we're “transforming America.” Yeah, right.

Those employees of the Pisgah Inn had no choice in the matter to work or not to work to earn a living because a uniformed thug with a gun threatened prospective customers and drove them away. Fortunately the threat of legal force still trumps a thug with a gun and temporarily brought the washington mandarins to their senses (bho didn't want a poster-child lawsuit). For those who self-righteously spout “He Won”, my response is simple: our Sovereign rights supersede the ambitions of the federal government. We will win."
I don't believe that Justus was seriously trying to influence anyone to his flawed point of view. It seems likely that he  took a little too much of his favorite recreational drug, got on the computer and spouted off to the neo-communist rag in Asheville his 'inner child.'

Sunday, October 6, 2013

DC Tyranny Must Stop!

Miriam Carey--murdered by a regime jack-booted thug
This is a picture of Miriam Carey, the dental hygienist who was unarmed, with her baby in the car, when she became lost and confused in D.C. and accidentally hit a security barrier close to the clown-in-chief's temporary housing in DC. Because of this mistake she was shot down like a dog by men with machine guns. Where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson when you need them?
Regardless of your skin color this tyranny must stop--or else!

Patriots: Organize, Prepare, Train!
(get ready for the upcoming North American live-fire exercises now)