by Chuck Connors
Current events in Jackson County have caused people to ask me, “what can I do about this assault on our values and our way of life? What can I do about the developers buying up the county? What can I do about the politicians constantly spending us into debt, shrugging their shoulders and smiling over the outright disappearance of public monies that has been going on for years? What can I do about loose cannon not-for-profits spending our money as if it where theirs? What can I do?”
Jacksongate has been building for some time. Years of neglect and apathy by folks who should have been keeping watch; double-dealing and outright chicanery by a few key rascals; finally caused us, the many, to wake up to the determined, greedy attack on our way of life in Jackson County. But what can you and I do?
It’s about the water. It’s about politics. It’s about changing business as usual. If you’re tired of mega-developers buying thousands of acres of our mountains for the benefit of the few; if you’re tired of the same old excuses and outright stories from our so-called leaders; then join with others just like you and fight these destroyers of our land and our way of life.
It makes no difference whether you were born here, raised here or moved here a short time ago. What matters is whether you want the land to survive and prosper, whether you want to raise your children here, whether you want what is right. Friday September 19 at 6:30 pm at the Family Resource Center in Webster is when you get your chance to say “No more. This must stop now. We, the people, want what is right!”